An Israeli designer was awarded at the Dubai International Fashion Festival

By : ujikiu / On : 13/03/2023

Narkis, an Israeli Dati (religious Orthodox) singer, performed at the World Fashion Festival in Dubai wearing wedding dresses designed by Ilanit Mizrahi, also an Israeli, who received first prize in the bridal category.

Narkis sang “Holechet Itcha (Walking With You)” in Hebrew and Arabic, while walking in a dress embroidered with the flags of the United Arab Emirates and the State of Israel, and her performance moved Festival attendees.

The World Fashion Festival, which this time took place from October 28 to 31 in Dubai, is not a simple fashion show, but a platform that combines art, beauty, culture and fashion, where designers from around the world compete to be awarded for presenting the “Best Collection”, the “Best Dress” and being considered the “Best Emerging Designer”.

An Israeli designer was awarded at the Festival Dubai International Fashion Festival

Ilanit Mizrahi received the award earned while listening to Hebrew songs, including Mitzvah Gedolah L'hiyot B'Simcha (It is a great commandment to be happy).

On Instagram Mizrahi wrote: “May we deserve to reach more moments like this. Believe in yourself. Israel is on the map," while Narkis uploaded the phrases "Holechet Itcha has also reached Dubai" and "Much respect to Israel."

This edition of the World Fashion Festival was the first to include the participation of Israeli designers: Ilanit Mizrahi, Laura Bouznah, Reut Atias, Liat Lukatch, Ilanit Reuven, Eden Aharon and Rachel H., among others.