Almeria at FITUR 2022 | Almeria is in fashion | Ideal

By : ujikiu / On : 08/03/2022

AM Almeria

That the province of Almería is fashionable as a tourist destination is a reality that has been verified from January 19 to 23 in the 42nd edition of FITUR, one of the three most important tourism fairs in the world. The excellence of 'Costa de Almería' surprised and captivated professionals and the general public as a vacation spot due to its quality, safety, diversity and an offer based on experiences and sensations.

The Provincial Council promoted the destination 'Costa de Almería' with its own stand within Turismo Andaluz, together with the other provinces of the community. The exhibitor, of 320 square meters and an attractive and functional design, lived during these days an intense activity with more than twenty presentations of Almeria municipalities and entities, fifty professional meetings and the attention of thousands of visitors, who came during the weekend to discover everything that the province offers to the traveller.

The deputy for Tourism, Fernando Giménez, described the participation of 'Costa de Almería in FITUR 2022 as "a resounding success", which he attributes to the work that has been carried out in the Almeria exhibitor to continue to position the province as a preferred destination for the entire field National and international. “These have been a few days full of activity that have allowed us to spread the tourism excellence of our land among the public and professionals”, valued the deputy.

Giménez highlighted that, in addition to publicizing the Almeria province as one of the best destinations in the world in which to enjoy the experience of traveling, a great job was done with important airlines. «It seems to us that the province of Almería has to have better connections by flights. That is why we want to demand that the rest of the public administrations and, in particular, the Government of Spain, put all the meat on the grill in this matter », he stated in this regard.

Almería en FITUR 2022 | Almería está de moda | Ideal

Likewise, the deputy expressed the commitment of the provincial entity with the sector and the vindication of connections and communications: “The Diputación will always be next to our airport as the best means of entry for tourists to the province. That is why we have held numerous meetings with airlines that will highlight a good job and a hopeful future in this regard."

Another aspect highlighted by the deputy for Tourism lies in the change in trend by tour operators, airlines, online sales agencies and other professional agents when it comes to showing their interest in 'Costa de Almería'. «A few years ago it was difficult for us to close an agenda and we were the ones who demanded the meetings. Now, luckily, we are overwhelmed by the number of requests we receive from all over the world. Almería is a trend and it is also noticeable among professionals in the sector who admire our province for everything that can be experienced in it », he detailed.

Finally, he highlighted the objectives achieved with the professional meetings, which have made it possible to strengthen alliances to promote Almería as a destination throughout the year for its offer of golf, sun and beaches, gastronomy, active tourism, nature, climate, hotel quality, contrasts, congresses, industrial or scientific tourism, heritage and a long etcetera.

He also valued the presentations of the municipalities that wanted to bring their best attractions to the Madrid fair. “All this invites us to think of 2022 with great optimism as the year of definitive recovery if the health situation allows it. The Diputación will continue working so that 'Costa de Almería' continues to be the leading destination”, affirmed the head of Tourism.

Presentation of 'Costa deAlmería' at FITUR with four popular influencers./RI

The presentation of the 'Costa de Almería' destination took place on Wednesday at the opening day of FITUR 2022 with four of the most popular fashion, trend, travel and sports influencers in Spain: Laura Madrueño, Marta Carriedo, Lucía Pombo and Tomás Páramo. An appointment that has become one of the events with the greatest media and social media impact at the fair.

In fact, the 'posts' and 'stories' that the influencers published on their profiles after passing through the 'Costa de Almería' stand yielded some spectacular figures, causing the Provincial Council's social networks to increase the number of visits compared to the previous week. Also, for yet another year, the Almeria stand has established itself as the most visited in Hall 5.

The interest shown by the global media in the province of Almería such as CNN, Eurosport or National Geographic, the first meeting in the history of the Diputación with the Spanish Tourism Office (OET) in New York, which joins those held with those of Oslo, Helsinki, Rome, Stockholm, Zurich, Dublin, among others, or the meetings with online sales portals and travel agencies culminate the successful balance of 'Costa de Almería' at FITUR 2022 carried out by the Diputación.


FITUR, Provincial Council of Almería, Almería (Province)