All about Tokyotodo Olympics about Tokyo's Olympics about Tokyo's Olympics

By : ujikiu / On : 16/07/2022

This is what we know about the Olympic Games.

So the 2021 Olympic Games are going to be held?

Yes, but the games are still called Tokyo 2020.

Summer games, scheduled to be held in Tokyo in July and August 2020, were postponed a year because of the pandemic.At this time, the Olympic fair is scheduled to take place from July 23 to August 8, 2021 (July 21 and 22 will take place some preliminary events).

The Paralympic Games were also postponed for a year and will be held from August 24 to September 5.

Outside the pandemic, is the city prepared?

Unlike other recent venues, in particular Rio de Janeiro in 2016, it seems that Tokyo has its stadiums and infrastructure in order, although sometimes surprises arise with the arrival of athletes.

Will there be anyone in the stands?

Todo sobre las Olimpiadas de TokioTodo sobre las Olimpiadas de Tokio Todo sobre las Olimpiadas de Tokio

Not many people.The entrance of spectators to most of the events has been prohibited, a decision made two weeks before the games after the state of emergency in Tokyo was declared due to the increase in coronavirus cases.

The organizers had already announced in March that most international visitors could not go to Japan for the Olympic Games.

This will mean that the stadiums will be mostly empty and that there will be a disturbing atmosphere that will be familiar with American fans who saw baseball, basketball and other sports during the peak of the pandemic.

Had the Olympic Games be canceled or postponed before?

The Olympics had never postponed, but they were canceled due to the two world wars.The 1916 Olympic Games were scheduled in Berlin when World War I broke out.The 1940 Winter Olympic Games were scheduled for Sapporo, Japan ... Another bad moment.When it was evident that they were not going to happen, they were rescheduled ... to Germany.It is not necessary to say that those games, and the summer Olympics of 1940, which for some reason were scheduled for Tokyo, were not carried out.The Summer and Winter Olympic Games in 1944 in the United Kingdom and Italy, respectively, were not held either.