Alba Carrillo has the most daring and multicolored jacket that raises the mood on the grayest days

By : ujikiu / On : 03/05/2022

Photo: Instagram

Alba Carrillo is in her exam week. However, she wants to add color to her study days with the top jacket of the moment


Alba Carrillo, fan of colors in winter

"I love the colors in winter. The grayer the day, the more colorful the clothes! 💙💜💛💚🧡 »With this declaration of intent, Alba Carrillo already warned us about the full color look that she was going to wear this Tuesday in the program in which she collaborates. The model has chosen a Koker jacket, one of her favorite brands and the one she uses the most during her appearances on television. In addition, she does it with a new season jacket that we already need in our closet. This is the 'Abstract' blazer. As its name indicates, it is full of abstract motifs in different colors. Of course, all of them vibrant.

It is a double-breasted blazer with an abstract animated print and an irregular lapel, which gives it a fresh look. Its price is 89.99 euros and it is available in two sizes: S/M and M/L. At the moment, there are still units of both on the website of the aforementioned brand, but if you like it, run for it, since it would not surprise us if it runs out. And it is that it is super original, striking and perfect to raise our spirits. But, how do we combine such a daring garment? Pay attention.

This is how the model combines her most daring jacket

Alba Carrillo tiene la chaqueta más atrevida y multicolor que sube el ánimo en los días más grises

The ideal is to resort to basic garments, since the jacket already has all the prominence. Do like Alba and put on classic black jeans, which will leave all the importance to the upper garment. In addition, the model has chosen to wear it as a top. She has chosen to cross it and add a striking original blue belt. Without a doubt, a daring option but with which she has fully succeeded. We cannot deny that Alba Carrillo is gorgeous with this look.

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Alba Carrillo bets on the most daring American

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It is the abstract blazer of the Koker brand

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Its price is €89.99

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The model has chosen to wear it as a top

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She has dressed in a black cowboy

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She has worn it with a belt

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Alba was gorgeous

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