A company by San Francisco permanently established for its employees the 4 -day work week

By : ujikiu / On : 20/03/2023

A four -day work week is now a benefit that can enjoy the employees of the Bolt Technology company.The Electronic Commerce developer with San Francisco headquarters tested this schedule the past fall and the results were overwhelmingly positive, according to the founder and executive director RyanBreslow.

"I could not imagine directing a company in another way," saidBreslow, who added that productivity has increased, work has been simplified and employees are happy.

A survey conducted at the end of the three -month test period with the four -day week showed that 94% of workers and 91% of managers wanted the program to continue.

In addition, 84% of employees said they have been more productive and 86% said it has been more efficient with their time.On the other hand, 84% saw an improvement in their balance between working and personal life.

Una empresa de San Francisco instauró de forma permanente para sus empleados la semana laboral de 4 días

The idea of the four -day work week is not necessarily having more hours of work during those days, but to work more efficiently.During their work hours, employees are more focused on finishing their pending tasks,Breslow said.

"Many companies operate with a lot of work theater, which are people who care more about the appearance of work than for real work," he said.Breslow.

The Bolt company, which has 550 full -time employees, is one of the few companies in the USA.UU.that have changed to the shortest work week.

The defenders of this system expect the idea of the short work week to become fashionable at a broader level, especially during a time when attracting and retaining workers is a high priority for the country's economy.And it must be remembered that millions of people have renounced their work as part of the ‘great resignation’ in recent months, with a record of 4.5 million who resigned only in the month of November.Experts expect this trend to continue.

It should be noted that the four -day work week does not work for all companies or commercial models, in addition to being properly implemented, with an approach to the workflow and the number of meetings that the company has.

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semana laboral