Democratic primary at odds choose the Mayor's Office of New York

By : ujikiu / On : 18/06/2022

To the primaries to the Mayor's Office of New York, which conclude on Tuesday, 13 Democratic candidates and two Republicans concur.From them there will be the one that will with great probability will be elected mayor in November, in a elections in which Wall Street has actively urged its employees and investors to participate.Economic recovery is at stake after the pandemic, when the city presents a unemployment rate that doubles the national average (10.9%compared to 5.8%), although districts such as Bronx are around 15%.That is why the economy, together with the rebound of armed violence, has monopolized the campaign.

Given the irrelevance of the Republicans in a Democratic city to the core - there are 500,000 registered republican voters, compared to three million Democrats - the name of the future councilor will leave among the eight democrats with more possibilities, so disparate each other what it costs to findA common partisan denominator.That is why New York is also, in some way, a test bank for the future for the Democratic Party.

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Of all of them, luck will be decided according to the surveys between Eric Adams, president of Brooklyn and Expoliciía;Andrew Yang, former candidate of the White House Democrats in 2020 and without political experience;Kathryn Garcia, municipal manager with positions of responsibility in the administration of Bill de Blasio, the outgoing mayor;and Maya Wiley, Civil Rights Lawyer, former Blasio's counselor and with powerful support in the most leftist faction of the party, such as those of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Elizabeth Warren.Other candidates in his day pointers, such as Shaun Donovan, former resignable housing with Barack Obama, and, above all, Scott Stringer, an accounts of the city account for which accusations of sexual harassment weigh, have lost bellows, but still in Liza.

The favorite according to the polls is Adams, an plunder that still carries his weapon and intends to convince voters that he is the only one capable of stopping the peak of crime that the city experiences.His most direct rivals have also raised the threat of insecurity.Garcia, for example, proposed in the final stretch of the campaign a package of measures to withdraw Miles de Armas from the street and a youth employment plan to prevent young people from without expectations to swell the bands, protagonists of most of the events.On May 2, the number of incidents recorded an increase of 80% compared to the previous year.

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Faced with the strength of Adams and its message of law and order, its two main opponents, the inexperienced but very media Yang and the accredited Garcia - was a councilor of sanitation with De Blasio and responsible for the help of food during the pandemic - they have joinedForces, in an unforeseen alliance announced this weekend, coinciding with the last two days of the early vote, in which only 192,000 voters participated.Adams, which is black, considers that the pact is racially discriminatory, something that Wiley does not share, also black.According to analysts, Yang and Garcia's alliance is tactical, since his breath had deflated in the last stretch of the race.

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Explicitly, the race has therefore sneaked into the range of issues that have marked the debate.Of the police reform or the difficult access to the housing - capital process in a city with a cost of suffocating life -, the cleaning of the streets, the safe return to school after a year without classes or the deficit municipal service of transport, theDifferent proposals have demonstrated how far candidates of the same party can be found, although they all subscribe, for example, the importance of environmental sustainability.The identity issue has always been there, even in a city as mestizo as New York: Adams accuses its rivals now allies of trying to undermine their support between the black and Latin communities, after Yang and Garcia have monopolized, for example, thevote of the Jews or the Asians.

This year the voters can choose up to five names on the ballots, which greatly complicates the scrutiny, which according to The New York Times may not conclude until mid -July.That is why Adams also wanted to mark distance by announcing that he will disseminate his own results, without waiting for the officers.

ADAMS proposes a police reform from within.The moderate Garcia categorically rejects the defund the police campaign (withdraw financing to the police) arising after the murder of African -American George Floyd in Minneapolis, in May 2020, at the hands of an agent.Adams, very critical of police brutality, does not support to cut the budget.The Yang heterodox defends the restoration of normality in the streets and the subway as the best way to fight against insecurity, as well as appoint a police officer outside the department, such as New Savia, while Wiley does propose to divert part of his budget tosocial programs.The department has just over 10,000 million dollars in 2021.

For the recovery of the pandemic, the new councilor will have a federal aid of 5.6 billion dollars, which can be raised to almost 10,000 if the local and state items are added.Wiley announces a New Deal with the aim of creating 100,000 jobs, as well as an affordable housing offer;Also prolong the anti -skucios moratorium as necessary.Garcia is committed to increasing the accessible housing park and supporting small shops.Adams shares the priority to help SMEs, as well as the million New Yorkers with difficulties in facing a rental and the owners threatened with disappointment for non -payment.Ensuring reincorporation to classrooms in the largest public education system in the country is a measure that all address all of them.Yang, on the other hand, defends a minimum income of $ 2,000 a year for the most disadvantaged New Yorkers.

Decarbonize the economy, replace school buses with other electric or lift - or not - a wall that protects the New York coast from climate change attacks are of the few proposals that seem to reconcile will, even with differences.As a win, and before the polls are closed, the moderates (Adams, Yang and Garcia) seemThe possibility that a ballot with five blank boxes gives them.The solution, in a few weeks.