5 Bolivian brands will be in Vancouver Fashion Week

By : ujikiu / On : 06/08/2022

Alejandra Pau / La Paz

There are just over eight weeks to begin the Fashion Week of Vancouver (Vancouver Fashion Week) in its spring-summer edition 2020, an event in which they will participate for the first time with Bolivian brands dedicated to the design of author and national production.

CQ (Carla Quiroga), Diabla (Pamela Gallardo and Julia Navajas), La Espina (Vania Rodríguez), Narda (Narda Paredes), Papingo Maminga (Marco Gutiérrez and Daniel Ghetti) are the Bolivian brands that will be presented from October 7 to 132019 at the David Lam Hall center, Vancouver, Canada.Each unase finds preparing advances of their new collections and, in other cases, new collections that will have about a hundred garments.

“Representing Bolivia at Vancouver Fashion Week is something historical for us, it is something historical for the country.For the first time Bolivian designers will be present in the second most important fashion week in North America.We are very happy because this is an openness for the world to look at the Bolivian design we make and our way of dialogue through fashion, ”says Carla Quirogade the CQ brand.

During 32 seasons, Vancouver Fashion Week has produced a catwalk that celebrates multiculturalism and emerging talent, according to its official page where it is stressed that it focuses its efforts on “identifying designers not discovered by providing an accessible and large platformreputation.Through the coverage of international media and the connectivity of the convincing buyer ”.

5 marcas bolivianas estarán en la Semana de la Moda de Vancouver

The selection of brands

Bolivian brands Descenta Cruz, Cochabamba, La Paz and Tarija were selected by the urban interventions program to represent the country because its creators design, produce and market their products within the country and through it contribute to develop the national textile industry.

For Marcoutiérrez de Papingo Maminga -march that is creating a special collection for this international event -All brands selected to participate have a very well -time contribution that moves away from the typical perception of Bolivian outside the country.“I think we are proposing a Bolivia and a new design language that lives up to the rest of the world.Since brands have emerged, such as these five that we have been selected to go to Vancouver, there is an impulse to understand that national clothing can also be good and quality, ”says Gutierrez.

A "showroom" in Canada

Vania Rodríguez de la Espina ensures that this is the first time that Bolivia is presented in a week of official fashion, which implies taking national brands to the major leagues and highlights that each of the selected one represents different regions of the country and an identity fordefined.

"In Vancouver they will give us the opportunity not only to present our collections on the catwalk but will be part of a showroom (exhibition room) for two days to expose our products and have individual approaches with potential customers, press, among others,"Rodríguez stands out to page seven.Bolivian fashion present

For Quiroga the fashion industry in Bolivia is in full growth.In the last six years there are new concepts and proposals to be appreciated and valued within the country.In that sense, it ensures that it is time to strengthen the commitment to national production and generate more labor sources for artisans, tailors, embroiders, among others.

Similarly, it is necessary that measures as a country be assumed regarding Chinese, American and used clothing that represent a unfair computeing for the Bolivian textile industry.

For its part, Rodríguez points out that it is necessary to work for Bolivian brands to have a greater identity and clear speech because beyond the “glamorous” of the item, it is necessary that each designer and marks a business and formal commitment for their development, and notic this activity as ahobby.

Regarding the potential, Gutierrez concludes that, “there is a trend in which people are proud to use the design (...).There is a new wave of young designers in Bolivia that we are achieving that and I think it is very important for the fashion industry in the country.To that is added the impulse like that of urban interventions, which is something very positive ”.

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