The works of the new pedestrian catwalk in Santa icía progress

By : ujikiu / On : 22/07/2022

The construction works of a pedestrian catwalk advance on the DP-5403 on the train track on Santa Icía Avenue, in Narón, which have a budget of 307.989 euros and that aim to improve accessibility and create a safe pedestrian step.

The president of the Diputación, Valentín González Formoso, visited the area today to evaluate the march of the works accompanied by the mayor of Narón, Marián Ferreiro.The provincial president stressed that "this catwalk responds to a neighborhood and institutional demand for decades and will guarantee greater road security for thousands of passersby who pass on this train track".

For its part, the councilor of the municipality thanked the investment in the municipality “because it allows us".He also showed his satisfaction for the good harmony between the provincial entity and the City Council.


The action is being carried out on the existing bridge over the FEVE railway line on Santa Icía Avenue, which allowed rolled and pedestrian traffic.However, pedestrians did not have the necessary safety and accessibility conditions, since it was a double direction of circulation that had very narrow sidewalks, little accessible for example for wheelchairs or baby carts.


Avanza las obras de la nueva pasarela peatonal en Santa Icía

Thus, with the aim of eliminating this black point, a metal platform parallel is being built to the DP-5403 bridge for pedestrian traffic.This will have with a length of 18 meters and a width of 2 meters and will have lighting along its route and access ramps to both sides to guarantee the accessibility of all people.

Within the actions will also proceed to the demolition of sidewalks and subsequent milling and rehabilitation of the firm to improve the passage of vehicles.The tasks will include the replacement of underground services, relief from the existing protection railing by a metallic pretil for the containment of vehicles and replacement and placement of the horizontal and vertical road marks.