Women Cancer Survivors star in the most emotional parade of a flamenco catwalk in Seville

By : ujikiu / On : 31/08/2022

They call themselves 'the fantastic' and, although they are not professional models, some have been going up to a catwalk with flamenco costumes of the most prestigious designers in Andalusia.They do it thanks to the initiative of the Sandra Ibarra Foundation and the organizers of the 'We Love Flamenco' catwalk that is being held during this week in Seville.

It is one of the most emotional parades, since these 22 models are strong and brave women who have suffered or who, even, remain treatment to overcome cancer.For a few hours they manage to forget the hard chemotherapy sessions while hairdressing and makeup professionals make them feel even more beautiful than they are.

Without a doubt, it is a parade full of life.For some it is the first time they get on a catwalk and have the nerves to the skin, but once they leave and see all the people who want them among the public, they can only want to have fun and take strength to get ahead.

"We dedicate it to those that unfortunately are no longer," says Fatima who has been cancer for four years, after a mole that has changed his life.He is still in treatment and continues with the chemotherapy sessions to finish healing, but this Friday the flyers, fringes, moles and flowers of his flamenco dress become his cure.

Mujeres supervivientes de cáncer protagonizan el desfile más emotivo de una pasarela flamenca en Sevilla

In the same situation are other companions such as Elisa, who with 35 years have already had to overcome breast cancer;Penelope, who has also gone through that same disease with 44 years;o Reyes, another 38 -year -old breast cancer survivor, which this Friday has raised more applause among the public than any of the other parades of the week.

And this catwalk installed at the Alfonso XIII Hotel in Seville aspires to become a reflection of flamenco fashion for any type of woman. Por eso, diseñadores de la talla de Angela&Adela, Daniel Robles, Pol Nuñez y Johanna Calderón, entre otros no hayan dudado ni un momento en vestir con sus mejores galas a estas luchadoras.

From the direction of We Love Flamenco, Laura Sánchez and Javier Villa affirm that "if to their fight against cancer we add the pandemic, that the 'fantastic' of Sandra Ibarra will plant the flower and the flamenco suit cannot excite usMore; again they have given us a great lesson ".

In fact, the money raised with tickets, about 3.600 euros, will be used for research and prevention against cancer, according to Sandra Ibarra, responsible for the Sandra Ibarra Foundation, promoter of this initiative that intends to "pay a tribute to the vitality of these patients".

