What care to have with the children before and after receiving the vaccine against COVID-19

By : ujikiu / On : 24/07/2022

Ecuador begins on Monday 18 the vaccination against coronavirus of children from 6 years to 11 years and 11 months of age.Much of this inoculation will be carried out in the same schools which will allow all students to be vaccinated.The process in health centers will also be developed.

The health authorities have determined to use the China Syovac vaccine for this age range between 6 to 11 years.

According to authorities, there is a “slight increase’ of coronavirus cases;They call citizen co -responsibility

The Ministry of Public Health defined guidelines for vaccinating children under 12 years against Coronavirus

To vaccinate against the coronavirus children under 12 years would apply two strategies

What is needed

The basics is that parents send a signed document where they approve the application of the coronavirus vaccine for their children.

Qué cuidados tener con los niños antes y después de recibir la vacuna contra la covid-19

The advice of epidemiologists is that everyone should be vaccinated. En el caso de los niños —en general— tienen un sistema inmunitario más activo y responden con más eficiencia a generar anticuerpos.

What to do before

Talk to your doctor. Si alguna vez tu niño ha tenido una reacción alérgica grave a una vacuna o si tienes preguntas sobre algún medicamento que estés tomando en la actualidad, consulta con un profesional sanitario antes de tu cita, recomienda la Unicef.

Take care of yourself.Sleep well and stay hydrated before vaccinating yourself in order to find your best that day that day.

Stay time to verify that you are fine. El profesional sanitario debería observarte durante unos 15 minutos después de administrarte la vacuna por si sufres alguna reacción inmediata.However, it is very rare that health -related reactions occur.

Prepare for possible side effects.Vaccines are designed to provide immunity without exposing the danger of getting the disease.While it is usual to generate immunity without a reaction, it is also frequent that mild or moderate side effects occur that disappear on their own in a few days.

Possible side effects after receiving the vaccine

What to do after vaccination

Taking the medications above described before vaccinating to prevent side effects is not recommended, according to the indications of the centers for the control and prevention of diseases in the United States. (I)