We Love Flamenco 2022, so has been the expected children's parade

By : ujikiu / On : 27/05/2022

One of the first memories that any Flamenco fashion lover has stored in his memory is that of his first Flamenco dress. Orphans of fairs and Romerias, our little ones have not been dressed as Flamenco for two years. Some, even, have not even had the opportunity to experience what it feels like to become a whirlwind of flyers, moles and colors. That's why yesterday was one of the most hopeful and emotional days of we Love Flamenco.

The walkway, which has already passed its equator, hosted an inspiring children's parade, where you could see the proposals of the firms and designers for the small Flamenco. Converted into a model for one day, the little ones looked like no one in their Flamenco costumes and gave joy to an audience that has not been happier in every day of parades than in children's.

Truly exciting, the children's gateway was much more than a showcase for the firms and designers who presented their proposals for girls. The children's footbridge was a way to regain hope, joy and, why not, the desire to live. Those of us who have been drenching in parades since the first day of we Love Flamenco, we can say that what was experienced on the runway when seeing the face of the little ones in their Flamenco costumes, had not been felt before.

"in this special year we couldn't forget all those girls who haven't yet known what it's like to dress as Flamenco; that's why, in this X edition, we didn't want to leave out we Love Flamenco Children," they explained from go! Events and Communication when they announced the news of the walkway we Love Flamenco in its tenth edition. Perhaps having seen them on the catwalk after so long was what filled the Royal Hall of Hotel Alfonso XIII with magic.

That's what we Love Flamenco's 2022 children's parade has been like.

 We Love Flamenco 2022, así ha sido el esperado desfile infantil

In solidarity, we Love Flamenco's children's parade was held on behalf of UNICEF, in collaboration with CaixaBank and the La Caixa Foundation, and was divided into two passes. The first of them was at 18: 00 and was attended by Rocío Peralta, whose collection between Cuba and the Philippines goes Carmen, the cicarrera was highly acclaimed the day before, Alfarrera, the commercial line of Carmen Acedo, Engalana and Pepa Garrido. The second pass was held at 20: 00 and featured the proposals of Errepé, the commercial line of Rocío Peralta, NOTELODIGO, Carmen Acedo and Pol Núñez.

The proposals on the catwalk were all in the designer's own collections by 2022, but, as with fashion in general, in Flemish fashion the proposals made for women and girls often do not follow the same line, especially with regard to forms.

Faithful to their own style, each designer is committed to adapting the Flamenco tendencies to the smaller ones in the house, who are crazy to be able to wear, at last, their Flamenco dress (many of them demonstrated this during the parades). Thus, where you see very tight figures and sizes that fall down on the designs for women, in the children's proposals that were seen in we Love Flamenco, they bet on raising the stems and creating much more fluid and vaporous figures.

If comfort is a premise from which we all depart, as far as children's Flamenco fashion is concerned, it is something that cannot be set aside. Neja skirts, small flyers coming out from the waist, some proposal evaded and sleeves to the Sisa with small flyers are some of the trends that could be seen on the children's catwalk.

A lot of color, something that has been seen throughout the walkway, is also something that stands out in the proposals seen on the children's footbridge. Reds, fucsias and buganvillas, turquoise, yellow, moles combined, and cloths that come back and cross in the bodies are some of the proposals that we Love Flamenco leaves for fairs and Romerías in 2022, those in which our little ones will finally be able to release their Flamenco costume.

The penultimate day of parades, we Love Flamenco's parades continue this Thursday, January 20, with the participation of designers Angela and Adela (19: 00), Pol Núñez (20: 00) and Pepa Garrido (21: 00).