Videos | A beauty queen breaks her heel during a contest and this is how she reacted

By : ujikiu / On : 25/03/2023

The representative of Armenia in Miss Grand International 2021 suffered an awkward moment while parading, however, her reaction generated applause.

This is Kristina Ayanian, who during the swimsuit parade that was broadcast during the broadcast of the final, knew how to handle the embarrassing incident on the catwalk of the pageant.

As can be seen in the video circulating on social networks, during her presentation, the platform of one of her shoes came off and left her unable to walk on the catwalk and in live broadcast.

As she began her walk across the stage, the beauty queen confidently showed off her walk and stunning figure in a blue-hued jumpsuit when one of her shoes suddenly broke. But the participant resolved the situation in a rather original way.

Video | Queen breaks heel during a contest and this is how she reacted

Miss Armenia Grand competes with 58 other candidates seeking the crown of the international pageant, whose final gala will take place on the night of this Saturday, December 4 in the city of Bangkok, Thailand.

The young woman gave a moment of naturalness and spontaneity, which is rarely seen in beauty pageants.

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