VIDEO: This will be the scenario for Xiomara's inauguration

By : ujikiu / On : 25/03/2022

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS. The Commission for the Transfer of Presidential Command, shared this day a video in which they show a tour inside the National Stadium, of how everything will be installed for the day of the inauguration of the president-elect, Xiomara Castro de Zelaya.

The video shows the presidential dais, which turns its back on the preferential seat sector, in the National Stadium. In a straight line, the presidential catwalk area will rest.

Also, around it is the protocol area and special guests, who so far have confirmed their attendance at this great historic event for Honduras.

Similarly, there will be an area set up just for the press. According to information from the commission, at least 30 international media outlets will cover her inauguration.

Likewise, in front of the main stage, where the aforementioned figures will rest, members of the Armed Forces and the National Police will be located. The Transfer Commission revealed that at least 7,000 security elements will be responsible for guaranteeing protection in this event.

People who attend this event, held at the indicated sports complex, will be placed in the general grandstand area. Likewise, the stands were dyed in the colors that represent the Honduran flag.

VÍDEO: Así será el escenario para la toma de posesión de Xiomara

Finally, the biosecurity area is observed, under two tents, one will be in charge of disinfecting the guests who enter the field, and in the other, there will be personnel requesting the vaccination card against COVID-19. In addition, the Transfer Commission stated that there will be a limit of people, to avoid the spread of this deadly disease.

See the video here:

It may interest you: The painting works in the National Stadium are finished

Finishing the painting works in the National Stadium

The Commission for the Transfer of Command of the elected president, Xiomara Castro de Zelaya, reported last Sunday, January 16, through a statement that the painting work on the National Stadium has already concluded and is ready for next January 27. .

“The interior of the National Stadium in Tegucigalpa is already dressed in the colors of the Honduran oceans. A mosaic that combines shades of blue, gray and white, resembles the changes in color when the waves reach the beaches of the beautiful Honduran coasts, ”says the letter.

“Turquoise blue predominates, because it is the color of the National Flag of Honduras by Executive Decree number 7 of February 16, 1866. The work was completed in record time, although exterior details are missing. More than 40 thousand square meters will be covered, at an approximate cost of L4.5 million, according to the members of the Commission for the Transfer of Presidential Command”, she adds.

In addition to that, she points out that within the team that carried out this painting work, more than 200 people are involved, including architects, designers, engineers, painters and more labor who, at a low cost, collaborated with the work carried out. .

“More than 80 people participated from the Free Party groups, who worked for 15 days, to achieve the objective set by the Commission for the Transfer of Presidential Command, to conclude in record time, so that everything is ready for the big day. in which the first president of Honduras will be sworn in in the colossus of the capital”, concludes the letter.

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