Video: Kaina Mercado, the successful model who left El Campestre | THE UNIVERSAL - Cartagena

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Video: Kaina Mercado, the successful model who left El Campestre

Kaina Mercado, born in Montería and raised in Cartagena, represents Colombia in New York, Italy, London, Paris, Hong Kong and now, in Africa.


November 14, 2021 12:33 PM


She was born on February 18, 1996 in Montería, but a week after she was born she was taken to Cartagena, the city where she lived her childhood and youth until she was 16 years old, when she left her parents' house for the catwalks of the world. When one listens to this young woman carved in serene and peaceful mahogany, one meter and eighty-one centimeters tall, one has the impression that from very early on she was clear that the lines of her destiny were heading towards the legitimate beauty that inhabits brief but but brief art. modeling unforgettable. His light feet have crossed the desert dunes, the four European seasons, the aquamarine twilights on the island of Bali, the Roman springs, the English winters, the amazing sunrises in Hong Kong, the amethyst sunsets of Cartagena where his parents live, and is preparing to go to Nairobi, Africa, this December 2021, representing Colombia, chosen for this privilege by Hernán Zajar. See also: [Photos] The girl from the Camino del Medio neighborhood who succeeds in modeling

Daughter of Luis Mercado Zárate and Navis Fernández Galeano, and sister of Leivis and Sergio, this girl left her parents in suspense when she told them she wanted to be a model, against her father's will.

He had imagined her as a police officer, and he was prejudiced about his daughter's reckless decision. So, in the blink of a lifetime, she left her house, fleeing the fate of the police to become one of the biggest Colombian models in the world. The father was reluctant to believe that his little girl would dare to go around the world alone, but she did, until she ended up in Hong Kong, knowing no one and not speaking English, like a young woman temporarily lost in the mountains. streets of the world, only with the desire to fulfill his dream. And she did it by avoiding the dangers that any human being, and in this case, a beautiful woman, risks in the heights and depths of the human condition.

“I met angels along the way,” she says with the fresh, charming assurance of her convictions. "But I was able to find monsters." On the streets of London, she felt lost at seventeen, without having home telephone numbers and anyone's telephone numbers, and an angel in her fifties saw her cry who picked her up in his vehicle and took her to the address she was looking for in one from modeling agencies. When she got into her vehicle, she had the double feeling that she was running the greatest risk, but the angel only helped her communicate and go to the right place.

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Video: Kaina Mercado, the successful model who left El Campestre | EL UNIVERSAL - Cartagena

The advantage of her recklessness is that she has never been afraid to take risks. She goes with the security of someone who has put on her size 39 sandals just to go after her own dreams. Without having to compete or intrigue with anyone or anything, she has imposed herself the titanic rigor of excellence without excesses and without staying up late, with a healthy convent diet and a daily day of exercises, and her only charm has inadvertently superseded great and consecrated models of Europe and they have looked for her to wear the dresses of the great designers and to appear on the cover of the best magazines in the universe. He has been on the same catwalk with the British supermodel Naomi Campbell and on the lips of the audiences it is only whispered: and where did this prodigious wonder with the name of the African queen Kaina come from? And Kaina says that the name came from a Venezuelan soap opera that her parents watched, and when they looked at each other in the complicity of the night, the two said: "Kaina, a beautiful name for our daughter." Read here: Laura Lee, a successful woman from Cartagena in Dubai

She is clear that there is a difference between being a queen and being a model. Without detracting from any queen, she considers that queens have an ephemeral role limited by competition, while models have a longer leading time, but also the splendor time of a model is short, although for this what must prevail is the beauty that is not only in the body but in the spirit. He recognizes that the time of the model is longer and the economic possibilities are better than that of the queens. His conclusion is that beauty goes beyond the physical.

After celebrating ten years as a model, she believes that the most important thing has been knowing how to say “No”, and not getting carried away by indecent proposals. In Paris, she said no to the person who proposed that she accept an invitation at the end of the catwalk. And when he said no, he heard the threat: "You will not go out in these parades anymore." He preferred not to go out than to let himself be manipulated. She confesses that she has had to put billionaires greedy for her beauty in her place who have made all kinds of proposals with escorts on her way, and she has said: No!

She wakes up at six in the morning and before five when she has to parade. And the drastic practice hours are from five in the morning to five in the afternoon. He is a believer like his parents, he wakes up in meditation and praying, and he knows how to count the wines he drinks at a social level so as not to get drunk. Her games as a girl in Cartagena were playing the chocoritos at home and playing at cooking. Now that she's grown up, she can't cook and is about to learn to swim.

She says her father didn't speak to her for a long time, but she surprised him by returning on January 16, her birthday, and they came together in a tearful and moving hug. His father would not stop crying, and in his tears he revealed beyond his patriarchal authority, the pride he feels for his daughter. And she rewarded her parents by giving them the house where they live in the El Campestre neighborhood. She says that the woman she most admires is her own mother, for always being so positive.


She is now in Cartagena and preparing to go to Nairobi. When Zajar saw her, he was dazzled: "You will go to represent Colombia in Africa!" Kaina's photos were taken at the foot of the Mampuján embroiderers, who turned her tears into colored fabrics. In ten years she sees herself creating her own lingerie brand, or leading a foundation. The beauty of this woman has left Mohhamed, the Saudi prince, and Diana Langes-Swarovski, great-granddaughter of the founder of the famous crystal brand, in suspense. The father quietly discreetly shows the magazines to his friends and says, "That's my daughter!" See also: Video: Miss Cartagena preparing to be a Christian pastor


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