Unpublished plant at his appointment in 'First Dates': "It's karma, you're going to pay it in front of all Spain"

By : ujikiu / On : 17/01/2023

Unusual moment in four

Raúl was composed and without an appointment, but the program promised to return in the future to be able to have an evening with Alberto

PorN. Costas

Raúl has been composed and without an appointment in 'First Dates Café'.This waiter from Granada arrived at the restaurant of four willing to find love after several fruitless relationships: "I am a fun boy, I really like to go out and enter with my friends.In my work, the hospitality industry, I usually succeed with the girls and with the boys.Ligar, Ligo, I can't complain, really.I have been a catwalk model in my younger times, but when I started highlighting they told me that I could not continue to progress through my height ".

"I have had three couples, two of them a little bad, but the last best.I get along very well with him although we have broken.I am looking for something else to arise.I like the high boys, an older tad than me, "said in his present.

Inédito plantón a su cita en 'First Dates':

The presenter went to the door to wait for Alberto, but the latter passed and nobody appeared there.Vázquez even came to the hall to see if he found the young man, but no trace of him.Yulia, waitress of the program, joked with a possible seedling, and Raúl began to show her resignation: "With the seedlings that I have given, it can be the karma that has said 'you are going to pay everything you have done in front of all Spain".

El repasito de un hombre a una mujer sobre el machismo y feminismo en 'First Dates' Á.Roldán

And so it was, because moments later Jesus received a phone call: "I am Alberto.I have not been able to go because I'm bad.Yesterday I was in the hospital all day and I have a very large gastroenteritis "."I'm sorry because I have your appointment here, a great boy also," said the communicator, passing the phone to Raúl so that at least they could greet each other.

"What anger makes me not being able to be there," Alberto stressed, while Raúl claimed to find out to meet him: "I hope it makes you good and we can see each other next week or this month".With that commitment they said goodbye, both by them two and on the part of the program, since Jesús Vázquez accompanied him to the door inviting him to return in the future: "I feel that he could not have cited, but it is pending.See you prompt, "concluded the presenter.

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