Start moles, the shuttle of the young Flemish fashion designers, on the footbridge

By : ujikiu / On : 07/06/2022

The seven Andalusian designers winning the VI edition of the Emprende Lunares contest, promoted by the Cajasol Foundation and the Double Erre Fashion and Communication Agency in collaboration with the International Flamenco Fashion Hall (Simof) and Fibes presented their collections yesterday afternoonFlemish fashion at the Sevillian headquarters of the Cajasol Foundation.

Coming from Seville, Huelva, Jaén and Córdoba, these young flamenco fashion entrepreneurs have presented a collection of five exclusive designs of the Andalusian regional suit.

This is only part of the Emprende Lunares program that aims to act as a shuttle for future flamenco fashion professionals through training workshops that this time have consisted of a business management training plan, a promotion plan that involves participationIn this individual parade held at the Cajasol Foundation and in a parade in the next edition of the International Flamenco Fashion Hall (Simof) in 2023.

"With some perspective we can verify that the objective of this program to give entrepreneurs, with a certain age, to develop as professional flamenco fashion designers is being fulfilled," said Raquel Revuelta, director of the double agency Erre, aboutThe program that has been promoting young talents for 6 years.

The designers are the Cordoba Xihomara Pinto that has presented the collection "Mi essence", Amalia Solomón and Rosa Villa de Huelva, with "Pure Air" and "Essence", the Sevillanas Beatriz Benítez presenting "Flamenco Art-Déco" and Mar Soriano with"Reunion", Mari Sánchez and María Sanz, both of Jaén, with the proposals "Liquid Gold" and "My Roots" respectively.

Essence of Rosa Villa

Essence is inspired by the Silvestre Rosal and its evolution in history until reaching the cultivated roses that we know today because Rosa Villa, who before forming in fashion studied for forest technical engineer, found inspiration in its resistance and adaptation capacity.

Emprende lunares, la lanzadera de los jóvenes diseñadores de moda flamenca, sobre la pasarela

The chromatic palette shapes the passage of the stations through the wild rosefruit.

Pure air by Amalia Solomon

Amalia Solomon, entitled in Industrial Patronage, combined her custom sewing work with teaching pattern and preparation classes.It would not be until two years ago when she started professionally in the world of sewing by launching her own homonymous brand specialized in flamenco fashion.In 2019 she presented a capsule collection on the Simof Ego catwalk.

His collection is inspired by nature, and "pure air wants to make women feel free, powerful and female," the designer shares about her collection of simple and uncommon forms in which she plays with manga and asymmetric cuts in vaporous tissuesWith transparencies, metallic with sequins and typicosflocados with finishes in pink nude, purple, black and golden tones.

Flamenco Art-Déco by Beatriz Benítez

Beatriz Benítez's proposal is inspired by the vitalist and glamorous artistic movement that emerged in the 20s of the last century to end the darkness of the First World War.

A century later and inspired by the difficult situation derived from pandemic by Coronavirus, Beatriz Benítez seeks to pay tribute to the movement that returned the joy and illusion to people through this collection of angles, straight lines, curves, symmetry and volumeFeathers, pleats and volume set in black, gold, blue, pink and different shades of green and finishes inspired by jewelry and computers, typical in the art-déco.

Soriano Mar reunion

Mar Soriano was born and grew up in Seville and inherited from his family the passion for his city, which made her be linked from a very young age to her traditions and customs.In reunion she wanted to capture among other values the "love of flamenco fashion" that, inspired by the Sevillian Square of Spain is worth volumes and costadillos transformations as well as prints inspired by the tiles in ocher and green tones.

Liquid gold by Mari Sánchez

Throughout his career, Mari Sanchez, who he says began to sew 12 years, has worked on several clothing workshops.She performed a pattern course in the Popular University of Jaén and is currently studying at the School of Design of Seville to be a flamenco patronist.She has participated in the Flamenco Ymarbella Flamenco 2021 catwalk.

Its liquid gold collection, in varied shapes, is inspired by the popular olive oil of its land, which translates into golden tones combined with whites and blacks in small flyers and dressed in a lot of volume in enaguas.

My roots by María Sanz

Born in France but of Spanish nationality, María Sanz began in the fashion world with 13 years.She later decided to train at the Image Center of Seville and began participating in competitions: Flamenco Jaén Award (2018), finalist in Muévete Flemenca and later, winner in the Marbella Flamenco contest (2021).

The "my roots" collection seeks to be a claim to return the customs and traditions that use comfortable dresses and tight to the woman's silhouette with enough volume, but light, because they are made of viscoelastic fabric and organdí in white tones,Black and light blue.

My essence by Xihomara Pinto

With effort and dedication, Xihomara Pinto achieved the degree of Corte and Confection Professor.Then, she performed a flamenco fashion design course that led her adesfilar with flamenco pattern in Simof Ego (2020).After her passage through Simof, she participated in other catwalks like Fimaf, in which she was winner.In addition to Flamenco Jaén, Marbella Flamenco, We Love Flamenco and numerous collaborations projects.

In the my essence collection the designer wants to show what he really likes and represents.Inspired by the Victorian era, on the catwalk they paraded tonesclaros such as beige or white, golden, dusty and black pink that colored dresses with sleeves, asymmetric, corsetry imitation and gothic style with tulle and embroidered shawung, transparencies, satin and organdí.