Traditional comparsas parade lived today at parties on January 20 |El Universal - Cartagena

By : ujikiu / On : 31/12/2022

Traditional and fantasy fandango troupes, and dances of other rhythms, were appreciated by hundreds of Sincelejanos and visitors, this afternoon during the second massive parade within the framework of the January 20 Fiestas.

The joy of the January festivities was lived in all its splendor in this traditional parade, where the streets became a great dance with some 80 comparsas from different municipalities of Sucre, and also from neighboring departments such as Córdoba and Bolívar.

La Paz, Ocala and Luis Carlos Galán avenues were the scene where on both sides of the tracks in boxes and spaces, the spectators for several hours appreciated the colorful troupes and their respective musical accompaniment, whose tour culminated in the Cultural Plaza of Majagual.

The organizers of the festivities in January have reiterated to those attending the massive events, the responsibility of wearing their respective face mask and maintaining biosecurity measures.