This is the famous model that appears in the new Daddy Yankee video

By : ujikiu / On : 26/04/2022

Daddy Yankee at the Lo Nuestro Awards





This is the Peruvian actress Flavia Laos, 23 years old.



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February 26, 2021, 07:41 PMELEl Comercio (Peru)- GDAFebruary 26, 2021, 07:41 PM

This Friday, February 26, the Puerto Rican singer Daddy Yankee returned to his origins for the premiere of his new song 'Problema', which was accompanied by a powerful video clip with the participation of the Peruvian actress Flavia Laos. The protagonist of 'Ven, baila quinceañera' has a special role in the new audiovisual material of the popular 'Big Boss' and appears at various times along with the dance cast, even having a solo scene. (Also read: What wins a reggaeton singer per concert).

(If you read us from the app, see here a photo of the model's Instagram). The news was confirmed by the actress last Thursday. Through her stories on her official Instagram account, the model and influencer shared a clip where she appeared in Daddy Yankee's video clip.

As you remember, this topic came after the interpreter of "Emergency Call" and "Despacito" left his social networks aside for a few days. Upon his return, he shared a video where he announced that he would "revive" reggaeton. “They say that not even reggaeton is dead. I don't find the logic. But if that's the case, I'll relive it tonight”, the 'Big Boss' is heard saying in a video posted on his Instagram profile, a network to which he returned after days of absence. (You may be interested: Why Daddy Yankee left baseball and dedicated himself to music?).

Daddy Yankee's 'Problem' Daddy Yankee's 'Problem'

Esta es la famosa modelo que aparece en el nuevo video de Daddy Yankee

Daddy Yankee's expression that "they say that not even reggaeton is dead" comes from statements recently published by the Panamanian musician, producer and influencer Rodney Clark, better known as 'El Chombo', who stated that the urban genre "died ”.(Keep reading: Daddy Yankee disappears from Instagram). El Comercio (Peru)- GDA

February 26, 2021, 07:41 PMELEl Comercio (Peru)- GDAFebruary 26, 2021, 07:41 PMRelated:


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