The Xunta receives 7 offers for the construction works of a new path on the regional road PO-548, in the municipality of Valga, tendered for about 737,000 euros - Xunta de Galicia

By : ujikiu / On : 29/04/2022

The Xunta receives 7 offers for the construction works of a new path on the regional road PO-548, in the municipality of Valga, tendered for about 737,000 euros - Xunta de Galicia

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Mobility plans to develop this action during this year, since it has an execution period of six months

The expropriation acts are called for the months of March and May

The intervention has a global investment of €780,000, taking into account the expropriations necessary to enable this new itinerary to the church of Santa Columba de Cordeiro, the Xesús Ferro Couselo school and the sports pavilion

It will start from the existing itinerary on the PO-548, running the new path along the left side of the road until the intersection with a municipal track, with a footbridge over the Louro River

Traffic will be rearranged at the intersection at kilometer point 3+910 with a small roundabout that will allow the change of direction and reinforce road safety

The department headed by Ethel Vázquez continues to fulfill its commitment to enable, on the roads of the Xunta, safe, sustainable and integrated pedestrian itineraries in the landscape

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  • The Xunta receives 7 offers for the construction works of a new path on the regional road PO-548, in the municipality of Valga, tendered for about 737,000 euros

    The Ministry of Infrastructure and Mobility plans to develop this action during this year, since it has an execution period of six months

    The expropriation acts are called for the months of March and May

    La Xunta recibe 7 ofertas para las obras de construcción de una nueva senda en la carretera autonómica PO-548, en el ayuntamiento de Valga, licitadas por cerca de 737.000 euros - Xunta de Galicia

    The intervention has a global investment of €780,000, taking into account the expropriations necessary to enable this new itinerary to the church of Santa Columba de Cordeiro, the Xesús Ferro Couselo school and the sports pavilion

    It will start from the existing itinerary on the PO-548, running the new path along the left side of the road until the intersection with a municipal track, with a footbridge over the Louro River

    Traffic will be rearranged at the intersection at kilometer point 3+910 with a small roundabout that will allow the change of direction and reinforce road safety

    The department headed by Ethel Vázquez continues to fulfill its commitment to enable, on the roads of the Xunta, safe, sustainable and integrated pedestrian itineraries in the landscape

    2022-01-26Santiago de Compostela, January 26, 2022 Listen

    The Xunta received a total of 7 offers from companies to carry out the works of a new path on the PO-548 road, in the municipality of Valga, tendered for an amount of almost 737,000 euros.

    Of the 7 bids submitted to execute the new itinerary that will give continuity to the existing one on this regional route, 1 of them is made up of a joint venture, which represents a total of 8 companies.

    The action has as its objective the execution of a new pedestrian path on the PO-548, which allows continuity to the one that already exists on this one on the regional road. Its construction will enable a safe itinerary for pedestrians heading to the church of Santa Columba de Cordeiro, the Xesús Ferro Couselo school and the municipal sports pavilion.

    The Ministry of Infrastructure and Mobility plans to carry out this action during this year, since it has an execution period of six months.

    The total budget for this intervention amounts to 780,000 euros, taking into account the payment of the expropriations of the 20 properties necessary to carry out the action. The expropriation acts are already called for the next months of March and May.

    Specifically, the expropriation act of drawing up previous minutes is set for next March 11, from 10 a.m. to 1:40 p.m. in the plenary hall of the Valga City Council. Subsequently, the owners of the land are summoned to formalize the occupation certificates, after the payment of the previous deposits, on May 18, in the same place and at the same time.

    The works to be carried out

    This new path designed by the Department of Infrastructures of the Xunta will start from the existing itinerary on the regional road and will run along the left bank until the intersection with the municipal track that will give it continuity. It will require the installation of a large metal walkway near the church of Santa Columba de Cordeiro, 21 meters long and almost 3 meters wide, over the Louro River.

    The passage over that river will also be widened, increasing the platform of the roadway with a metal sheet slab on beams and building four retaining walls to settle and fix the ground with suitable safety conditions.

    The intervention is complemented by the reorganization of traffic at the intersection at kilometer point 3+910, where a small roundabout is planned to allow a change of direction, preventing movements that cause risk situations and reinforcing road safety.

    The intervention will be co-financed by European REACT-EU funds.

    The department headed by Ethel Vázquez continues to fulfill its commitment to enable safe, sustainable pedestrian itineraries integrated into the landscape on the roads owned by her.

    InfrastructureDepartment:C. of Infrastructures and MobilityDate of update: 01/26/2022Print Related news

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