The wheelchair model that made history on the catwalk: she is Aaron Rose

By : ujikiu / On : 20/06/2022

Paradespor :: Raquel Ortiz, published 10 Sep 2021 - 04:48 PM EDT |Updated SEP 2021 - 04:48 PM EDTREACTION ACCOMPARTE

The spring-summer 2022 collection parade of Moschino at the New York Fashion Week became a historical scenario thanks to Aaron Rose Philip.With a yellow skirt and Crop-Top set, the 20-year-old model paraded with her wheelchair for Moschino's runway and made history by becoming the first transgender Afro model with disabilities to parade in a fashion Week.

Her passage through the Moschino catwalk not only marked a milestone for the LGBTQ+ community but also for her, who years ago expressed a dream and today fulfills it.We tell you her story.

Aaron Rose Philip was born in Antigua and Barbuda in March 2001 and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when she was a baby, a condition that confined her to be in a wheelchair.However, this condition was never a powerful limiting that prevented her from fulfilling her dreams: the young woman since childhood dreamed greatly and has gradually achieved the most important goals of her.

At the end of 2017, Aaron declared that once a model agency set in it, the world was going to experience a great moment of inclusion and diversity.

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«Honestamente, cuando una agencia de modelos me descubra ¡se ACABÓ para todos! ¡Por todos ustedes me refiero al MUNDO! Es hora de inclusión / diversidad real amigos ¡Manos a la obra!»

La modelo en silla de ruedas que hizo historia en la pasarela: ella es Aaron Rose

The following year, Aaron, who since 2015 was identified as a non -binary person, experienced his wishes in his own flesh and lived two extremely important events in his life: he left the closet as a trans woman and caught the attention of Elite Model Management, whoHe hired in September 2018 and allowed him to live his first historical moment in the fashion world: Aaron became the first black and trans model with disabilities to sign for an important agency.

As of 2018, Aaron Rose's career started large.The young model has had the opportunity to be a face of journal covers such asPaper and has been part of advertising campaigns of recognized brands such as Dove, Nike and Sephora.She also came out in the video of the song 'Mother's Daughter' by Miley Cyrus.

In addition, being muse of Jeremy Scott, the creative director of Moschino, opened the doors to the world of haute couture and allowed him to parade in his first runway.

Aaron Rose is determined to build a successful career in the fashion world, which allows himopportunities than any other woman.

«Vivir mi vida con autenticidad y ser visto profesional y personalmente como literalmente una chica negra en silla de ruedas del Bronx, y una adolescente que se está convirtiendo en mujer o lo que sea. Quiero que me vean igual. Quiero tener las mismas oportunidades que cualquier otra mujer en la vida misma. Quiero tener esas experiencias. Quiero tener normalidad.»

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