The walls of Campeche no longer protect the PRI: a few elections will measure the strength of the party

By : ujikiu / On : 31/01/2023

Say Campeche is to say PRI.He has never ruled another color in this small state, which does not reach the million inhabitants.The novelty these days is that it is not known if it will continue to rule, because the surveys point practically a draw among the three candidates in Liza with possibilities.That the once revolutionary and always institutional party loses this square does not only imply a historical change in the elections of Campeche, it will also be a hard test for the national leader of this party, Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, Alito, who could not keep up for the tricolorThe land that saw him born and that is not a good letter of presentation to compete for the presidency of Mexico, for which they have already uncovered it.Alito left Campeche's governorship to concentrate on the Federal leadership of the PRI and now is his nephew, Christian Castro Bello, the candidate who has the weight of that responsibility on his head.

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It is Sunday and the wet heat is unbearable before 10 in the morning, when the closure of Castro Bello's campaign is planned, to whom his adversaries call him with minial malice or, simply, the nephew.Attendees drag the chairs arranged in front of the stage to shadow places and musicians entertain the candidate's waiting."Who will win?" Microphones shout."Christian", Kore the public dressed in red.Christian arrives at the Stadium of San Francisco de Campeche, the capital, with its white shirt full of political brands, as if it belonged to a Formula 1 team.Greetings and sinister.His uncle Alito and other local candidates of the PRI flanks these intermediate elections.Despite the sun, the rally is animated and a legion of militants distributes flags and water in abundance.

Militancy is one of the keys to not by dying to a party that had its greatest electoral collapse in 2018, when Morena took the presidency of the country.There are PRI.With Campeche or without him, with or without him, the rebound of the party in this call, however small, indicates that in Mexico the tricolor still has much to say.Voting expectations give second place in the National Chamber, above the PAN and only behind Morena, which would lose the absolute majority that currently has.“The most traditional parties, with a strong organic structure and a solid militant base survive.The PRI enjoys all that, ”says Rogelio Hernández, researcher at the College of Mexico.Doctor of Political Science, Hernández believes that these are sufficient factors, despite the fact that the party suffers from leadership and a federal ideological scaffolding."Your situation is not so bad if compared to the rest of the matches," he adds.

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Campeche is a good example to measure its strength.With the electoral campaign already closed, the polls will bring a surprise.If Christian has uncle, the current candidate of Morena, Layda Sansores, had a father, also governor of the State and national leader of the PRI, Carlos Sansores, El Negro.Political oligarchies are common throughout Mexico.The third in dispute is Eliseo Fernández, who left the municipal presidency of the capital to aspire to the governorship and to which the street and its adversaries accuse him of unre transparent economic interests with businessmen from Yucatán.Who will be the chosen one will only know June 6.The fight is very closed.

Las murallas de Campeche ya no protegen al PRI: unas reñidas elecciones medirán la fortaleza del partido

In favor of the PRI play the decades of mandate in the state.The vote by tradition.María José Gómez is a good sample of this.What do you like about the PRI, why assists this rally, what offers tricolor formation?“Well, my father was a PRI and my grandfather too.I like to follow the habit of my ancestors ".In front of her, spending very hot, another follower has written in her shirt: "Let's keep the course".

The course is sometimes the need not to lose a job.Campeche lives on the construction, field and the great state oil company, Pemex.“There is very little industry, just small and medium enterprises and there are many citizens who work for the government, in state positions.That represents a high percentage of conditioned vote, ”says Aida Soberanis, which is part of the group that analyzes this electoral process at the University of the Americas, in Puebla.Soberanis is about to finish his degree in International Relations and is Campechana.To his political formation he adds his experience as a citizen of the State.“The purchase of votes and credentials (militancy) remains a fact.I have seen those offers in my own home, ”he says.The PRI, analyzes Soberanis, "has had successful governments in Campeche and others not so much, but among the people there is already a certain fed up, so these elections are presented for the first time so divided".

The key can be generational.The youngest have been born and grown under the omnipresence of the same party, and that population "is now more open and more critical," says Soberanis.The elderly remain that more conservative and Catholic population that predict the closed walls that surround the capital.And although the PRI dares to put the rally one hour over over Sunday, the candidate says goodbye to the classic."God bless you, God bless Campeche!".

That the key to change, if any, will be in the young people is corroborated by José Alberto Abud Flores, who was rector of the University of Campeche.But he also believes that there are whole families who continue to demonstrate in public as PRI, but in private they are tired and look for a turn."The PRI laid his real decades in the state and has committed many abuses with citizens, recruiting many people at the three levels of government," he says.

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In spite of that, he also knows that the Campechana society is conservative, that “suspects and rejects more consistent policies with the world moment, for example, regarding abortion, feminism or sexual differences.The Church has been a dumbbell with the power to keep families attached to power, ”says Abud Flores, who is currently a professor at the UNAM Faculty of Political Sciences.“Citizenship not only rejects feminisms or sexual diversities.They reject otherness.Everyone who comes from outside is threatening it ".Therefore, the teacher points to the theory of the wall and the strong that surround the city as a symbol of introspection.

If an alien landed at a PRI rally I would not know if it is facing a right -wing game.The red force, as they call themselves, launches slogans that are worth anyone: for women, young people, the field, the indigenous population, work, social security.The same repeats the other parties.The elections are now won by those that implant in the collective ideology a successful proclamation, a short and effective message."I'm not going to fail you," says Christian Castro Bello.While from Morena they sell a "true change" and in a citizen movement offer "total change".

Will there be change in Campeche?If the PRI is maintained or loses its bulwark, but the candidate is shown as the renewal of the party.In his rallies it seems that the PRI does not govern, but is an opposition force.The lack of electric and asphalting light in the streets is criticized, for example, in the 21st century, when the formation has governed for decades and just two mayors have lent alternateness in the capital."We are not going to fail them".It is worth asking if it is a renewed promise.

"The PRI is not going to be renewed as they say it.There is no evidence that it is transforming into nothing.They do not have a leadership capable of driving it in a specific direction.Alito Moreno has no descent on militancy or on the governors, who are next to them or reaction to Morena's leadership, ”says Rogelio Hernández."They do not have a solid ideological foundation, which I place in a liberal center, closer to panism than of the PRD.".

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It goes for Mexico, or goes for Campeche, that kind of toast that brings together the three formations in coalition, PRI, PAN and PRD, is the very assumption of the weakness of a party that was powerful and now cannot attend alone to the elections.After repeated attempts, this newspaper has failed to obtain the opinion of the PRI candidate of Campeche to know his electoral expectations and the future of the party.

What does Campeche mean?“If it happened, of course voices will demand a political change in the PRI.There are already voices about it, but none has reached the tone of leadership, as happened with Peña Nieto, ”says Doctor of Political Science."Local structures are today autonomous.The elections may not win, but I don't think the PRI will disappear as some predicted, ”adds Hernández.

In full sun, the national leader of the party, with the already waterfall of the campaign, dislikes on the racing catwalk, microphone in hand: “Mexico does not go well, it has no direction or destination,” says Alito Moreno.And give a series of qualifiers to his adversaries of Morena: "cynical, corrupt, scoundrels".And on several occasions repeat the names of the matches with which the PRI is presented to these elections."Before being from the PRI, the PAN or of the PRD we are Mexican and we have to defend Mexico, which does not need clowns.".He greets his nephew, who says he will be "the best governor of Campeche".It is not bad halago, taking into account that he himself was too.But he abandoned it to raise higher flights: the presidency of the country.

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