The V edition of the "Granada Flemish Waterlae" recovers its original format

By : ujikiu / On : 27/09/2022

The City of Granada has hosted this morning the presentation of the V edition of Flamenco Granda catwalk that this year recovers its original format after the parenthesis suffered by Covid.This has been announced by the councilors of Mobility, Raquel Ruz, and Culture and Heritage, María de Leyva, who have advanced that the Palacio de los Córdova “will open again to the talent of the creators of Granada on March 5 and 6 forWelcome the main flamenco fashion catwalk in our province ”.

After highlighting that in this edition there have been more than 70 proposals for the parade of young designers, Ruz has celebrated that “this year we return to the original format with new designers who will present their collections, in addition to the contest of young designers andalso the catwalk against cancer, as usual, ”he explained.

Both mayor, who have been accompanied by the director of the Flamenco Granada, Maripi Robles, and a representation of the designers and designers participating in the contest, have highlighted the quality of a program “in which the consecrated designers will countWith an unbeatable showcase to show their collections and in which new talents will find a magnificent opportunity to shine with their own light ”.

After defining the event as “an announcement of spring and especially the return to normal at this complicated time”, Raquel Ruz has celebrated that again patrimonial spaces of the city of Granada are recovered, such as the Palace of the Córdova, ”joining what is the culture of design and the unique patrimonial spaces that Granada has, ”he said."I think it is a very positive synergy and that contributes a lot to the city, because combining flamenco with heritage has great cultural relevance, but also a tourist relevance, since it can be a photo of attraction for those who visit us.".

La V edición de la «Pasarela Flamenca Granada» recupera su formato original

"Granada is the host of great fashion designers, both flamenco fashion and any other," he added.“We have a way of doing super innovative things, different from what is done in the rest of Spain and I think that we have to value it.If we combine this with our heritage, I think it is an unbeatable tandem, ”he said.

In the same sense, María de Leyva has manifested who, in addition to affirming that "fashion is also culture" has highlighted the importance of the capital of the Alhambra "as a city of great creators".In this sense, the head of Culture and Heritage has framed the "relevance of flamenco catwalk in a year in which Granada joins to celebrate the centenary of the 1922 Cante Jondo Contest".

For its part, the director of the event, Maripi Robles, has been “aware of the difficulties that the flamenco sector has lived since the pandemic began” and recalled that Flamenco Granada catwalk “has remained next to the professionals giving them visibilityto its initiatives in social networks and creating an online store to increase sales of signatures and designers ”.

Both Robles and Councilors Ruz and Leyva have agreed on “The magnificent poster of this year, the work of David Payán, winner of the contest by more than twenty proposals and that cannot be more successful and according to the essence of what this isFlemish fashion catwalk ".

Together with the young promises of the design, the presentation of the V edition of Flamenco Granada has had the presence of already consolidated figures such as Antonio Gutiérrez, Ita Yarco, María French, Ajolí or Rebeca.

Flamenco Granada catwalk is an event promoted by the City of Granada, in collaboration with the Diputación de Granada, with the aim of enhancing the industry around the flamenco fashion sector throughout the province.Since 2018 he has celebrated its different editions in enclaves that value the tourist heritage of the city such as El Carmen de los Mártires, the Palacio de los Córdova, the Federico García Lorca Center or the cloister of the Palacio de Santa Paula Hotel.