The transfer of the coral threatened in Cala Corb, pending government

By : ujikiu / On : 10/12/2022

In February 2020, this agency sent to the environment a compatibility report that was answered in July of the same year requesting a proposal for the transfer of the twenty copies of coral, a process that is technically called translocation.In addition, the General Directorate of Costa and the Sea sent the project to the General Directorate of Biodiversity, Forests and Desertification, which depends on the same Ministry, on whose approval the project is currently pending.

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The proposal includes, according to Port Authority, that these copies of coral, whose scientific name is Cadocora Caospitosa, are relocated in another area of the port of Maó where they can survive without being the object of modifications.The process consists of moving the rocks where this organism lies or choping them in order not to have to start it.

El traslado del coral amenazado en Cala Corb, pendiente del Gobierno

When it was discovered that Cala Corb's works had changed course and instead of building a flip wood catwalk, a section of hormal spring, the GOB requested to consult the tender project was being undertaken.This unleashed that port authority paralyz.As for this species, it is the only endemic in the Mediterranean with the ability to form reefs.

The work, which contemplates the construction of a pedestrian dock about 400 meters long and 2.5 wide, also had to be suspended during the summer months of 2019 before the complaints of hoteliers for the noise of construction machinery.