The site of Cerro de la Merced can be visited in spring

By : ujikiu / On : 30/11/2022

This was revealed by the Junta Tourism delegate, Ángel Pimentel, together with the mayor, Fernando Priego. Pimentel pointed out that these actions help not only the knowledge of the heritage but also the development of tourism in the inland municipalities and highlighted the work carried out by both the council and the businessmen of the local tourism sector.

The works, which amount to 102,700 euros and of which the Ministry contributes 59,756.37, go through continuing those that were carried out in their day with the construction of a walkway from the base of the hill to the site itself located on its summit. Now, as Manuel Valencia, the technical architect responsible for this project that will make the Cerro de la Merced visitable, pointed out, a series of paths that are respectful of the environment and adapted to the orography of the hill will be built, together with a series of metal walkways, accompanied by signage in the form of monoliths, will configure a visitable itinerary.

This action will be followed by the consolidation of the walls inside the fortified enclosure, through an investment by the council of around 161,000 euros, which will allow the completion of the excavation and the enhancement of the Iberian site. This enhancement began a decade ago, when the City Council bought the land where this fortification is located. That year the budget for this deposit amounted to a total of 263,700 euros.

The Cerro de la Merced site is can be visited in spring

After the visit to the town hall, Pimentel visited the Iberian site of a fortified palace complex from the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. C., continuing human occupation since the Neolithic and where, after a first phase of the Bronze Age, construction took place