The most read renouncement director who named Wiens to "close" catwalk contract "nandutí" Lo Read more Comments

By : ujikiu / On : 22/05/2022

Se trata de la arquitecta Stella Azuaga, que fue nombrada la semana pasada por el titular del MOPC, Arnoldo Wiens, como nueva directora interina de obras y que tenía la “misión” de cerrar el contrato de la pasarela “ñandutí”, que pese a las irregularidades todavía no se rescindió hasta ahora. La funcionaria seguirá desempeñándose como Secretaria General del MOPC, por lo que se seguirá esperando que otra persona se encargue de poner fin al contrato de Engineering en esta obra.

María Stela Silva, presidenta del Sindicato de Mujeres del MOPC, manifestó que el funcionario de carrera de la institución, Nelson Monjes, fue denigrado “de la peor forma posible por la directora interina”, lo que motivó a la movilización que realizaron esta mañana los funcionarios de la cartera de Estado.

Read more: MOPC still does not close gateway contract "nandutí" and Wiens appoints new director

Lo más leído Renuncia directora que nombró Wiens para “cerrar” contrato de pasarela “ñandutí” Lo
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"he told him to go to work in the administrative area and this colleague was coordinator of another area and was performing other functions. This he wanted to explain to the architect and she herself instead of listening to the companion, mistreated him in front of everyone and finally kicked him out of the Works Directorate, as if he were a dog, with his desk in the hallway, "he said.

In his turn, Azuaga denied what Silva said and said that he was going to give his version after a meeting that he had already scheduled this afternoon. "I totally deny what I said," he said. After his meeting, he contacted our newspaper and stated that he resigned this afternoon and said that he never mistreated the staff member and that he only asked him to work as a team in another department where his duties were required.

He further stated that he has years of experience in the private and public sector and that he has never experienced job disadvantages in the places where he worked. He also stressed that the closure of the contract with Engineering in the case of the gateway should consult the director or director he assumes in his / her replacement.