The catwalk and digitalization of the Haro Station neighborhood within the European Next Generation fund

By : ujikiu / On : 15/03/2023

The catwalk and the digitalization of the Haro station neighborhood within the European Next Generation funds for the downside - Radio Haro - Cadena Ser.

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The president of the Government of La Rioja, Concha Andreu, has presented more than a hundred mayors and municipal representatives of the Autonomous Community the tourist actions to be carried out this 2022 in the framework of the La Rioja Transformation Plan, as well asThe strategy planned for the next two years."We are going to transform La Rioja through tourism, which has an incredible potential for it, because it promotes sustainable and sustainable territorial development, creates opportunities and is a fundamental tool to face the demographic challenge," said the president during the act,in which the Government delegate in La Rioja, María Marrodán, has also participated.The president has indicated that this tourist transformation has to rely on strengths of the region such as wine and Spanish, but also combined with the rest of tourist attractions, to “create a rich and varied offer, so that visitors want to come,Return and stay one more day in La Rioja ".

In total, 111 concrete actions in the tourist field will be launched this year, which will involve a global investment of 21 million euros and will be executed until 2024.The president explained that, during the last months, the Regional Government has worked in a coordinated manner with local municipalities and entities, which has allowed to design the proposals that will materialize the first tourist actions of Drawing and Valley of Language.In this way, the Territorial Plan of La Rioja has been completed, which affects the environment of the monasteries of Suso and Yuso and in the municipalities with more mature wine tourism projects and that has obtained a financing of 18.45 million euros from the programExtraordinary of tourist sustainability plans in destinations from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.In addition, in coordination with the City of Nájera and within the framework of Valle de la Langu.

Impact throughout the region

 La pasarela y la digitalización del Barrio de la Estación de Haro dentro de los fondos europeo Next Generation destinados a la Enorregión

The President has stressed that this year they will be launched in transverse characterRioja, the development of a digital platform that will allow to consult and reserve these resources or the creation of the Network of Municipalities of the Wine, which will become an effective tool to coordinate and enhance the wine tourist proposal of La Rioja.

It has also advanced that in the next calls the proposals will continue to have a transverse component and will also extend to the rest of the municipalities of the Valley of the Language and to other areas of the dorage, “especially to La Rioja Baja, where wine and wine tourism are traditionand culture "."The mayors are protagonists in this process, so we are going to work together to define the actions that will make the Rioja Transformation Plan come true and will develop our tourist strategy," said the president."We have done so and we will continue to do so.".

In total, an investment exceeding 50 million euros from European NEXT generation funds to promote the tourist dimension of the transformation plan during the three planned calls, following a growing development strategy that will be complemented with any other source of financingAvailable, in order to achieve an integral transformation of the entire Autonomous Community.

Main local actions

Among the 21 actions of this first phase in Valle de la Langle, with a joint investment of 5.8 million euros, the creation in Suso and Yuso of the museum of origin and the future of Spanish, a monastery of the 21st century whereIt will experience the history, evolution and opportunities offered by language through new immersive and interactive experiences that take advantage of all the most innovative digitalization and technologies.In addition, there will be two interventions in the old town of Nájera, which link the Valley of the Language with the Camino de Santiago and that include the rehabilitation of the old abbatial house and apothecary of the Santa María la Real monastery and the building of the former church of San Miguel.

In the first phase of the tourist deployment of prostation, 52 actions will be developed with a total investment of 7.1 million euros.They will concentrate on Logroño, the Commonwealth of Haro, Briñas, Casaleina, Ollauri and Sajazarra, and the Commonwealth of Ábalos, Briones, San Asensio and San Vicente de la Sonsierra.

In Logroño, the adaptation and provision of equipment and content for the center of the Culture of the Rioja (CCR), the creation of new products that reinforce the city's tourist offer, the development of immersive tourist experiences in municipal heritage assets linked to thewine or impulse of sustainable mobility.

In Haro the station of the station will be digitized and a catwalk will be created that will link it with the historic center and that will be a tourist experience in itself.The surroundings of the Saxazar Flowers Lagoon will also be adapted and the Walk and Ebro viewpoint will be renewed in Briñas.In Casalarine, the improvement of access to the Mirador de Zaballa and the Monastery of La Piedad and, in Ollauri, a wine -tourist reception center will be created.

In Ábalos a street-mane street of the wine culture will be created, the Historic Center of Briones will be recovered and the Bodegas neighborhood of San Asensio will be adapted.And, in San Vicente de la Sonsierra, it will act on the strength and other heritage enclaves to take advantage of all its possibilities as tourist resources.

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No lo entiendo. 14 enero, 2022 at 10:52

I have the feeling that these monies are not invested in the future and with a head.Should be agreed, looking for the authentic needs of the area.Electoral revenues are sought to try to continue in the poltrona.Spend on lanterns and lights hiring Alaska on duty.

Pensante 14 enero, 2022 at 10:54

How many jobs are going to create these two projects?How many companies are going to be installed in Haro thanks to these two projects?

Well that ... a great investment and future.

Fitur 14 enero, 2022 at 12:55

I don't understand and thinking.In other places I don't know.But European funds in Haro look like a ZP "plan E".