The first phase of the reform of the Paseo de las Explanadas de Motril starts

By : ujikiu / On : 14/10/2022

Pilar García-Trevijano Granada

The work has arrived in Motril to stay.Almost an ideal week ago it advanced that the Advisory Council endorsed the rehabilitation of the alcohol as leisure zone and now it is its turn to another of the great projects of the city: the Paseo de las Explanadas.

Start the first phase of the comprehensive reform of one of the nerve points of the center and the only entertainment area that is - for now - for the young people of the city.On the Paseo de las Explanadas, most parties of parties and many hospitality establishments are concentrated, it is a mandatory stop for all Motril visitors who shouted a change.

He has not submitted for reform 40 years.The Consistory announced last year that it would launch a project to restore its great boulevard, a project that is almost ready and that will be executed little by little so as not to disturb business or neighbors.

The first performances for the face washing of the esplanadas have already begun.This first stage will be addressed with the Agricultural Employment Promotion Plan (PFEA) and will be carried out in the area where the bridge that the late architect Ángel Gijón, the catwalk that connects with the alcoholic.

It is planned.According to the deputy mayor of Urbanismo, Antonio Escámez, the works, which have a budget of 100.000 euros, will be executed within approximately three months.

Arranca la primera fase de la reforma del Paseo de las Explanadas de Motril

«We are going to fix the corner of the walk and little by little we will take forward all the esplanades.In addition, with this first performance, it can be connected to the alcohol leisure area when the works begin, which we hope will be for the end of the year, leaving a renewed leisure area.Our young people will no longer have to go to other provinces to have fun.Motril will have things to offer them, ”says Escámez.

For the rest of the walk, PFEA funds will not be used.The City Council wants to avoid delays due to the uniqueness and importance of the walk and the amount of hospitality spaces in the area, since in the PFEA the deadlines and the staff are limited.

The deputy mayor of Public Works, Nicolás Navarro, explains that the project of the other part of the promenade is finishing writing and hope that the neighbors can know it will soon be able to meet him.For now, the vegetation and woodland of the walk will be preserved and expandwalk".

The esplanadas will retain their boulevard typology and new decorative elements with water will be added.In the same way, you also plan to execute a small viewpoint at the end of the walk.The works will be paid with their own funds from the City Council, through the sale of land, or with subsidies.The City Council wants to opt for the Next Generation funds that are destined to the rehabilitation of urban funds.

175 years of history

The Paseo de las Explanadas is a place that since 1846 serves to articulate the social, cultural and leisure activity of Motril.The city has grown since then and the square has changed to the lengths of the years to adapt to the new generations of Motrileños who have grown up playing in the central square.

With this new reform, it will be the fifth integral remodeling that live the area and that will have a totally transformed and very similar walk, in terms of its architectural conception, to what was in its first decades: an open, wide space, wooded for theUse and enjoy citizens, a pattern far from its current configuration, which has led it to disuse and even degradation.The reforms arrive when the 175th anniversary of the construction is met.The walk rose in 1846 on the land of an old saltpeter factoring.The last great remodeling of the square took place in 1980 and now it is intended to revive what is one of the most popular leisure areas of Motril.

Antonio Escámez,Ideal,Motril,InfraestructurasTendencias