The Eurovelo lane between Barbate and Zahara goes one step further for its construction

By : ujikiu / On : 12/04/2022

Molina: "We are very pleased with the implementation of the cycle lane since it connects Barbate with our Zahara ELA in a sustainable way, but we will continue to demand that a new tuna-shaped bridge be built over the Barbate River"

The mayor of Barbate, Miguel Molina, accompanied by the first deputy mayor, Juan Miguel Muñoz, the president of the ELA of Zahara de los Atunes, Agustín Conejo, attended a ceremony where the delegate of the Andalusian Government in the province of Cádiz, Ana Mestre, accompanied by the territorial delegate for Sustainable Development, Daniel Sánchez, has reported on the progress of several actions planned within the framework of the Eurovelo 8 cycle route, between Barbate and Zahara de los Atunes.

In this act, two projects related to the passage of Eurovelo route 8 through the municipality of Barbate, which are the responsibility of the Ministry of Sustainable Development, have been reported. On the one hand, the cycling section between Barbate and Zahara de los Atunes and, on the other hand, also in this area, the cycle path over the Cachón river, "with a design adapted to the richness of the environment, in the shape of bluefin tuna" , as indicated by Mestre.

With regard to the works planned by the Ministry of Sustainable Development in the municipality of Barbate, they are included in the cycle tourism project that links this municipality with Conil and Chiclana, awarded to Eiffage with an amount of 2.87 million euros. . Of this amount, the part corresponding to the area of ​​Barbate within the framework of this action is estimated at around one million euros. These municipalities and, in turn, the Bahía de Cádiz and La Breña and Marismas del Barbate natural parks are joined by cycling paths.

El carril Eurovelo entre Barbate y Zahara da un paso más para su construcción

To the sections corresponding to Chiclana and Conil, as well as those connecting to the Breña Natural Park - Majales del Sol and Torre del Tajo paths - is added the section that runs through the El Retín military estate, on the parallel strip to the A-2231 road, and the urban center of Zahara de los Atunes.

For the mayor, Miguel Molina: “this new footbridge over the Cachón River will mean a new sustainable entrance to our Zahara de los Atunes ELA, which will mean a substantial improvement in tourist demand from Zahara, which was somewhat disconnected from tourism due to its impossibility of reaching motor vehicles, and that now with this new entrance, it will mean an important development advance for the area, with sustainable tourism”.

The action planned in this section of the municipal district of Barbate between El Retín and Zahara will include the clearing and cleaning of the land, as well as the construction of a causeway and road surface adapted to the surrounding conditions.

The mayor of Barbate, Miguel Molina, has highlighted the positive aspects of the launch of the Eurovelo 8 cycling project, although he wanted to place special emphasis on the construction of a new bridge with a tuna design for the Barbate River, "although we understand that it is competence of another Delegation, and outside the scope of the ITI funds, but it is a historical claim of our municipality and we will never give it up, so we have claimed it again to the Territorial Delegate, who due to time issues of the European subsidy , has not been able to contemplate it in this project, but has promised to study it with the Development Delegation for future budgets”.

“I hope that the project will be a reality in this year 2022, so that Barbateños and Barbateños, as well as those who visit us, can enjoy it as soon as possible”, concluded the Barbate councilor.