The competition for the Miss Universe crown began;Susy Sacoto, Miss Ecuador 2021, is already in Israel

By : ujikiu / On : 01/08/2022

En las seis maletas que lleva de equipaje, Susy Sacoto, Miss Ecuador 2021, ha guardado casi todos los artículos que necesita para su competencia en el certamen de belleza Miss Universo.On his phone, on the other hand, he retains each of the recommendations and advice that each of the members of the WhatsApp group 'Miss Ecuador forever' have shared, to which he was added and that integrates the Ecuadorians who, as she has won theCorona the title that now holds.

Before his trip to Israel, where the 70th edition of the competition will take) and in which emphasizes wants to project naturalness.Therefore, even the color of his hair ceased to be blonde to transform into a darker tone.

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The 24 -year -old manabita speaks English and French, plays the piano and aspires, "he says, to fulfill the objective of her trip while enjoying the experience.

How have these months of preparation be for the Miss Universe?


Time has flown and since I was crowned Miss Ecuador (the gala took place on September 11 in Quevedo) certain details had to be polished and I have been preparing from the organization's hand in terms of oratory, image projectionProfessional, catwalk, I have received tips from national and foreign trainers and thus we have built what will be my preparation for the Miss Universe.

I have lived fully to day from my choice, there are so many things that must be assimilated, that there are so many details that make the difference in the preparation of a candidate in the Miss Universe, but it is a dream come true, it is a goal, aChallenge that I plan to strive and give all my commitment to be able to leave Ecuador at the top of the Miss Universe.

We are still polishing details about the suitcases, I carry about five or six suitcases.The idea is not to bring an excessive amount of attire.The idea is to bring only what is necessary and one just in case, which never hurts.There is a small bag of justice.

When does your family plan to travel and the planned delegation of the organization?

On November 25) my parents and three people of the organization accompany me, but from December 4 (of December) my uncles, my grandparents, then there they will be supporting me.

How many costumes and what designers will dress it during their speech at the Miss Universe?


I always prioritized Ecuadorian talent, I have been advised by María Delia Torres that is part of the Miss Ecuador organization.The outfits have been elaborated by a Quevedeño designer that is Edison López, I also have other Ecuadorian designers outfits.My final gala and preliminary suit, yes, come from Colombia, but the same in large part I wear costumes made by Ecuadorians.

I just have some memories that I plan to give them to the candidates, who are handmade bracelets with crystals and gold bathed and I also plan to bring memories of Tagua, explain where this ancestral seed comes from.

My typical suit is from Jefferson Vera and symbolizes the Pachamama, who is the goddess of fertility, which is venerated by the Andes.I love it because Miss Universe this year is quite focused on environmental care and my suit agrees that it is zero animal abuse.

Comenzó la competencia por la corona del Miss Universo; Susy Sacoto, Miss Ecuador 2021, ya está en Israel

It is completely made with organic materials, it has five types of dissected bananas that are extracted from manabí, it has wood decorations, it has dissected coconut, it also has nupis, which are seeds treated in such a way that when they collide with each other they generate a sound.

What takes from your native Portoviejo with you to the contest?

In addition to being able to tell all the girls in the Miss Universe, how diverse we are and the rich culture that we are in Portoviejo and in gastronomy, I take in my heart the support they gave me from the beginning that I entered this world of the contestsOf beauty, in 2017 in the Queen of Portoviejo, all this journey, with its support and affection in the caravan that were welcomed when I won the Miss Ecuador, motivated me in my preparation.

Each Ecuadorian representative, before the Miss Universe, remains in contact or has approached exreinas to tell her experiences and provide advice, who has she contacted or have advised her?

It turns out that when I won the Miss Ecuador I was added to a WhatsApp group where I think is the vast majority of exmisses Ecuador, then, from them I have received certain tips in terms of scenic development, many recommend me and it is what II have also been able to live, in the course of the Miss Ecuador as a candidate, that the experience is very much enjoy.Those are the advice I always receive from them.

Who are in the WhatsApp chat of the Misses?

The group is called Miss Ecuador forever and there is Constance Báez, Anita Laniado, Cristina Hidalgo, Jacqueline Burgos, Connie Jiménez, Claudia Schiess, María Eugenia Molina.

“The idea is to keep everyone (the followers) informed through social networks and have everyone's support because the voting is through the application of the Miss Universe.They have to download the application, look for delegates or candidates, look for the name of Ecuador and vote.The first vote is always free, from that I think you have to pay a rate ”, Susy Saco.

Do you know who your roommate will be in the contest and the agenda of the contest?

No, Rommie have not yet assigned us, I imagine that at the time of registering, which is the first activity that we are going to have in Israel will assign our rommies.I understand that the first two days will be of costume proof, because Miss Universe asks us for our measures a few weeks before to make the costumes that we are going to wear in the opening and in certain productions, so we will have costume test and trials.

The first days we will be in Jerusalem and as of December 4 we move to Tel Aviv.

In the midst of the pandemic that crosses the world, why is it important to develop, participate or organize a beauty contest?

Many people, in effect, look at beauty competitions as something clearly superficial, but what I love about organizations in general is that they are first work platforms for those who integrate the directive and staff of the organization, and beyondBeing a platform that generates income is that Miss Ecuador is an agent of change, therefore it contributes in society through its social project.So it is much more than being a pretty face or a toned body, it is a social aid, so very much that we are going through a difficult time such as COVID-19, there are misses that have contributed with kits and different aidAnd that is what you should weigh when analyzing a beauty pageant.

To prepare for international competition could not divert your attention from social projects?

I have the support of my family, and although I have been focused for these weeks to my preparation for the Miss Universe, they have been contacting me for my social project that it is a campaign to prevention of blindness for glaucoma, to separateCertain citations, I have been referring to one of the headquarters in Guayaquil so that they can have their consultation and be diagnosed.Additionally I have been doing other social tasks, we have visited an orphanage this week where I gave donations of sweets, I visited the girls, I shared a moment with them.Yes it is possible, I have always said that wanting is power, and it is important to prepare without neglecting the social part as Miss.

While you can't promise the Miss Universe crown, what are your expectations?

My expectations are to be able to enjoy the company of my partners, to be able to transmit to all the important and beautiful of our country, at the cultural and historical level, to generate an impact for good and say that Ecuador has everything to visit and forWhat not to live.For me it would be an honor to be able to classify and I am prepared and mentalized to that, but I do not want to stop enjoying this experience.

What has meant for you to be exposed as a public figure and receive negative comments on social networks?

Precisely in the interviews that I have had in Miss Universe, that they asked me this, it is that it impacts every time they say something (negative comments), because it is not that I am a machine, I am not a robot, it does impact the issue of criticismMore than anything because you never expect a woman to attack another, when we all seek the same thing that is to convey love and how powerful we can be, and you never imagine receiving criticism from another woman.But what I knew to do is handle it in the most mature way I could face, thus absorb positive criticism and discard negatives.Thus I show me how capable I am, so people can see it and unintentionally, people began to notice and more comments are people supporting me.

Beauty contests seek empowered women and with stories of overcoming in their participants, what motivates a lawyer and medical student, as if applicable, to register in one of them?

It really was that I had been planning it for years, this was not a spontaneous decision to be Miss Ecuador overnight.This has been a goal that I set out since I was very young and I have been building little by little by the hand and support of my family, which are the ones that have been for me all this time.So yes, in effect I am a lawyer, I think it is superimporting because after all the laws regulate social behavior, but I always passionate about medicine because my dad is ophthalmologist and I wanted to build the first year of medicine first, which many colleagues agree with me,that the most difficult process is the first years and after that I planned to fulfill my first year of medicine so that they enter the Miss Ecuador.I have not put it aside, I have paused my medical studies and I want to continue with that passion and that is why my social project is linked to that career.

My project is clearly focused on social health, with the support of the organization and with the Eye Clinic that is the family business, which has four venues, two in Guayaquil, one in Portoviejo and another in Santo Domingo.And the social project is a window to life that is an early blindness prevention campaign caused by glaucoma.

Are there already beneficiaries of the campaign or is it still in project?

Of course, in fact as Quevedo was the city that saw me crown like Miss Ecuador, I asked my family that we propose the first ophthalmological brigade in that city.It is really very exciting to know that when I was a candidate and they ask each one to their social project, the annual goal I mentioned was 400 patients and I have the satisfaction that only in a brigade we assume 130 patients and these brigades will be given tothroughout my reign as Miss Ecuador.And I am very excited that if with a single brigade we reach that number of patients it means that I will even exceed the goal I raised in terms of project beneficiaries.

Is this the only project of your reign or are there more social plans?

No, this is one of the projects, of course there are already foundations linked to the organization and I always have the good will to help, I believe that God's times are perfect and if I am at this time, living this precise moment ofMy life is with the sole objective of serving.Beyond representing Ecuadorian beauty, it moves me a lot to serve and this platform allows me to do it, to create a positive impact.(YO)