The City Council of Oropesa del Mar activates a digital gateway for the payment of taxes and receipts

By : ujikiu / On : 27/03/2022

This new tool aims to facilitate the performance of these operations avoiding displacements

Castellon Information

The residents of Oropesa del Mar can, from now on, pay municipal taxes without the need to leave home. And it is that the City Council has activated a new digital gateway with which it is intended to facilitate the liquidation of all types of taxes and receipts for citizens.

This has been announced by the Councilor for Finance and Deputy Mayor, María Jiménez, who emphasizes that "this new online payment tool allows Oropesinos and Oropesinas to pay annual taxes, such as the IBI or the ford, as well as other receipts or self-assessments in a much more comfortable, easy and safe way”. It is an initiative "with which we intend to make it easier for the citizens of the municipality to carry out their efforts and procedures, avoiding trips to the City Council and / or banking entities," she highlights Jiménez.

El Ayuntamiento de Oropesa del Mar activa una pasarela digital para el pago de tributos y recibos

All in all, payments can be made without the need to be validated in the electronic office, but it will simply suffice to enter the reference, identification and the amount of the receipt in question. Likewise, the payment will also be available from the taxpayer's citizen folder, in which the user will be able to view all the pending receipts and select those that he wishes to pay in a totally secure way.