The City Council of Cadiz calls to tender the construction of the maritime gateway of Puntales

By : ujikiu / On : 02/06/2022

The City Council of Cadiz has put out to tender the construction of the pedestrian fixed gateway on the promenade José Manuel Hesle with a budget of 489,653 euros and a term of execution of 13 months. This project is developed within the DUSI 'EDUSI Cadiz 2020 strategy. A city project', co-financed by 80% by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under axis 12 Urban of the Sustainable Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020'A way to make Europe'.

Following its approval by the local Government Board and its publication on the Government Procurement Portal, the deadline for interested companies to submit their bids has been opened until 2 February.

It should be recalled that, for the construction of this gateway in the Puntales district, the City Council obtained the administrative concession from the Public Agency of Ports of Andalusia for the occupation of the domain and approved the conditions set out in the concession and exploitation documents.

The project collects that this fixed pedestrian walkway will be plunged into the high seas connecting with mainland land with the promenade José Manuel Hesle. In its design and location, account has been taken of the low sea draught at the foot of the coastline. Thus, in order to avoid a dredging that damages the bottom of the coast, the walkway will move away from the promenade.

 El Ayuntamiento de Cádiz saca a licitación la construcción de la pasarela marítima de Puntales

The average depth is one and a half meters from the pier of the Alcázar nautical Club. The draught increases to two and a half meters already 250 meters away, and this will be the point chosen to locate most of the infrastructure, as well as the docks of larger boats.

The runway will end with a very wide platform, 216 square meters of surface. Access to this space will even be prepared for emergency vehicles.

For its construction, a combination of organic fibres and recyclable PVC will be used, with the appearance of wood without damage to the environment and with a significant resistance to UVA rays, with a reduced absorption of the water.

This project improves with a pedestrian walk to the interior of the Bay, which allows to expand the Puntales promenade, in addition to having the possibility to look at the city and the Fort of Puntales from a new perspective, putting in value this historical heritage.