The Board awarded for almost 2.5 million euros the landscape itinerary of the Odiel estuary | - Huelva Economic and Business Information

By : ujikiu / On : 02/09/2022

The Ministry of Development, Infrastructure and Territory Planning has awarded by 2.458.337 euros The construction works of a cyclopeatonal itinerary around the northern estuary of the Odiel River that, along its 33 kilometers, will connect the urban free spaces of Aljaraque, Gibraleón and Huelva in a declared area declared a biosphere reserve by the UNESCO.The UTE composed of Graulop 21 SL and Pinus SA will be in charge of works that have a period of 18 months and are co -financed by the Feader Operational Program.

The objective of this action consists, on the one hand, to recover part of the degraded soils by mining activities of the last century and, on the other, connect the settlement system and the patrimonial resources of these three Huelva municipalities by reuse of old railway traces, livestock and public domains linked to water.

This multimodal route will be an essential part of a metropolitan green system in which Odiel and Tinto rings will have a marked prominence.In the same way, afforestation actions will be included and the value of patrimonial, landscape and natural resources such as the Tharsis dock, declared a Cultural Interest (BIC) (BIC).

This itinerary will begin at the Tharsis dock, whose environment will be rehabilitated to reach Corrales by means.At this point, the intervention will be used to improve the fishing points zone in the pipe.

The following section includes the restoration of part of the soils of the urban edge of Corrales that will be carried out, with Feder funds, the Ministry of Finance and European Financing, through the General Directorate of Industry, Energy and Mines.The path raises the connection with a jetty that recovers the old river connection point of the Corrales Mining and Rail Building Set with Huelva.

La Junta adjudica por casi 2,5 millones de euros el itinerario paisajístico del estuario del Odiel | - Información económica y empresarial de Huelva

The cyclopeatonal itinerary continues north in an enclave located at the confluence of the three municipal terms, where was the Fraile's jetty.There a rest area will be developed where a Starlight place can be developed, a space to see the stars and enjoy the sky.A partially covered bridge, which will reinterpret the old Tharsis Railway bridge, will save the Prado stream.

Later, in the area of the Mosque Station, at the crossroads of the old gibruleon-haymontparking that will serve the coastal green road and possible future routes to the north.

Already in Gibraleón a wooded zone is projected in a small widen.This will give more visibility to the castle as a whole, the Roman ford of Odiel, the cistern and other tourist resources in the area.

Back to Huelva, on the left bank of Odiel, the itinerary reaches the Mareal Mill of Peguerillas and the ancient Salinas de Cardeñas, currently without use and can be reused as pedagogical spaces on water and salt.Finally, upon arrival in the city, the itinerary becomes a wide platform, of variable width, in which there will be viewpoints and rest stays.In addition, in a small entrance of the riverbed it is proposed.The section connects by the south with the siphon bridge through the northern fishing industrial polygon protection and closes the loop and closes the loop.

The action is part of the EuroVelo 1 Cycotourism route, and develops the collaboration agreement signed by the Ministry of Development, Infrastructure and Territory Planning with the municipalities of Aljaraque, Gibraleón and Huelva.In addition, it has been selected as an example of inter -administrative collaboration for the enhancement of natural edge spaces in urban agglomerations, on the Europe Interreg Practices platform.

For its implementation, the Ministry, through the General Directorate of Territorial Planning and Urbanism and its Territorial Delegation in Huelva, has had the collaboration of the municipalities of Huelva, Aljaraque and Gibraleón;the local autonomous entity of Tharsis;the Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities through the General Secretariat of Industry, Energy and Mines;the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development;the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge;the Railway Infrastructure Administrator (ADIF);The University of Huelva and the Port of Huelva.