The 8 tips for your heels to be more comfortable

By : ujikiu / On : 28/06/2022

The higher the heels, the higher your style and success will be!And we do not know the secret behind this accessory, but from the moment you put them on, both your height and your attitude rise.Even even improve your legs and figure!May the streets become your catwalk and know the best tips to be a pro in the art of heels!

1.-Walk the right one.Although the practice makes the teacher, sometimes the design of the shoe makes a dilemma to dominate it.The key?Buy some in which the distance from the heel to the other end of the sole is not less than or more than 3 centimeters, since this is the measure to have the ideal support.

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two-.Cheat.If the pain on the sole of the foot- better known as metatarsal- is unsustainable, then tied with a ribbon the third and fourth foot of the foot, counting from the thumb.Between these two fingers there is a nerve that is activated when pressed, generating deep discomfort.With this trick, you will take weight from this part of the body, but the most recommended that if this pain is very strong, you better opt for platforms.

3.-Watch your shoes.A good advice is that you use your heels at home using thick socks, so that loosening and returning more comfortable.You can also do this by placing two plastic bags with water on the tips and putting the shoes to the refrigerator.

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4.-A ampoules test.The deodorant is not only good for sweat, but also to avoid calluses or blisters.And if you apply it in the shoe and on your feet, you will avoid the friction your skin exerts with the footwear.Eye: This trick is like fairy tale, because it lasts approximately four hours.Adhesive templates and gels are also a good option for this.

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5.-Prerends to walk.Giving a tennis walk is very different than giving it in heels.Therefore, delete what you knew about walking-yes, as you read it-, and start with the best trick: keep your head still to the waist and only move your hip and legs.At every step you give, first start with the heel and then the tip;Your walk will become more natural and easy.

6.-The weirdest tip.Does it bother you that your feet sweat?Then put panti-protectors inside your heels.Although it may sound like a very rare advice-and for some somewhat disgusting-this will save you that your feet slip, as well as sweat.

7.-Don't fall!If you feel that your heels slip at all times then sees with your trusted shoemer and ask him to put them unknown not only to the sole, but also to the heel.

8.-What do I do if I already hurt myself? If the damage is already done, then put water and add these three components: chamomile tea, ginger or turmeric, which are perfect to deflate and relax your feet.

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