Tecnópolis: a sensory experience raises awareness about the importance of wetlands

By : ujikiu / On : 19/02/2022

In a new edition of Sunsets 2022, there is an opportunity to talk about the importance of Argentine wetlands. The Tecnópolis Bowl is an artificial water reservoir where a wetland was formed in which native flora and fauna began to settle. With a very particular proposal, Teatro Ciego proposes to rediscover from the sensory point of view one of the most important ecosystems in our country.

Teatro Ciego is a theater company that is already 13 years old and performs works in complete darkness. The company seeks, with its pieces, to activate all the senses except sight, and Tecnópolis invited them to develop a sound experience on the importance of wetlands, alluding to the bowl found in the park located on Constituyentes Avenue and General Paz Avenue.

The company created an audio with 360º immersive sound accompanied by sensory effects where an introduction to one of the most predominant ecosystems of our country is provided. The work takes place in the vicinity of the bowl, in a room in complete darkness. Once the sound piece is finished, the visitor leaves and has the opportunity to walk along a walkway along the coasts and the vicinity of the bowl with guides who accompany them to develop the sighting of the different species that coexist in the wetland.

“The people who come to visit us leave very happy because it is an experience unlike any other. They are surprised by what we can achieve, especially the children, they really like the experience”, said Ezequiel, producer of Teatro Ciego and one of those in charge of the experience.

The space can be visited and toured every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 4:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and the Blind Theater show lasts 8 minutes. In order to enter the park, those interested must reserve their tickets on the web (ENTER HERE).

about space

The park's wetland is an artificial reservoir of about six hectares created to contain the rainwater that accumulated in the area due to the loss of permeability of the land. The flora and fauna of the space were gaining ground since the construction of Tecnópolis until it became one of the spaces with the greatest biodiversity in the area and a central part of a large urban green lung of more than 300 hectares, together with the Sarmiento Parks and General Paz.

In the bowl are amphibians, molluscs, fish, grassland birds, and waterfowl. These last two can be seen walking the walkway of the wetland and using the binoculars that are provided by the space guides when leaving the Blind Theater show.

Currently, according to the record made by the E-Bird portal, there are 120 species of birds observed, including coots, picazuró pigeons, swallows, chimangos, seagulls, coscorobas, piebald ducks and grebes.

Wetlands are great reservoirs of biodiversity, it is also the ecosystem that stores the most carbon dioxide. Being this one of the gases that contribute to climate change, the wetland becomes an ecosystem to be protected.

One of the tour guides tells the visitors: “This is the first year that Tecnópolis has valued the area. Wetlands are great regulators in the environment. They are trying to pass a law that protects them. It must be taken into account that approximately 21% of the national territory corresponds to wetlands of different types.”