We tell you if there are differences between the training of men and women

By : ujikiu / On : 20/02/2022

Each training must be personalized. It is very important to have the advice of an expert professional who is the one who guides what is best for us based on our needs and preferences. “We can affirm that there are no training sessions or exercises for men or women; The human body optimizes its performance and stays healthy by training strength, endurance, coordination, agility, flexibility, and combinations of these. We are committed to functional training that makes men and women more capable and that ensures that each individual receives the appropriate stimulus to help them improve”, tells us Raquel Zapata, Manager at Distrito 280 Madrid Lopez de Hoyos.

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A different training?

"The first thing we must clarify is that they should not have to do a different training per se, since both men and women will be able to perform the same movements or exercises," says Jonathan Artruejo, manager of the Bilbao Study District. "Now well, if we focus on differentiating aspects such as levels of pure strength, we see how in the case of women it is likely that exercises that largely involve the shoulder girdle should be adapted to more affordable versions, but as I say not because of the movement in yes, but because of the ranges of strength. Although it is true that with the passage of time and good training they will be able to have the capacities to be able to perform these exercises like men", the expert explains.

Starting from this basis, we wonder if there are differences between the training that a man and a woman should do, due to our differences on a physical level. From the Reto 48 sports center they explain to us that, when it comes to our biology, there are obvious differences based on sex beyond the external characters that we all know. Therefore, they point out that knowing these particularities can help not only to get the best for each person, but also to understand how our body works and not punish ourselves when we do not see in ourselves what we can see in the other.

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The influence of hormones

How could it be otherwise, hormones influence. Men have high levels of testosterone, which allows greater and faster muscle development than in women, who benefit from a greater capacity for recovery and resistance to fatigue thanks to their estrogens. "If we focus on the hormonal aspects and the menstrual cycle in women, we see how the type of training should be different depending on the moment of the cycle and the hormonal levels", explains Jonathan Artruejo.

-During the follicular phase, especially in the preovulatory phase, strength training should be carried out mainly, since the elevation of estrogen will allow us to improve our protein synthesis since the body generates a better oxidation of carbohydrates (CHO).

-On the contrary, in the luteal phase, in which progesterone rises, training focused on long-term work or resistance will be more recommended, since protein synthesis is reduced and the body makes better use of fat.

-Care must be taken between the middle of the cycle and the end, as ligamentous stiffness increases, making it easier for a ligamentous injury to occur.

“As adaptations that we can find can be push-ups and pull-ups, mainly adapting them with elastics that help us to do the pull-ups or, failing that, the change by rowing with a TRX and for push-ups we can adapt by supporting the knees. In other movements, it would be enough to adjust the workloads and regarding the work of the lower body, both ones and the others can perform all the movements without any hitch. In fact, due to the accumulation of fat in the hip area, women can work on their lower body much more intensely and without much rest, being able to repeat the work several days a week without much fatigue”, clarifies the expert.

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Other metabolic and physical differences between women and men

The experts at this Madrid center also summarize other features that differentiate us and that can influence our sports performance.

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Most recommended exercises

Once we have this in mind, it's time to get down to work. And the important thing is to do our training plan well. "Our differences do not burn calories or sculpt the body better, but our commitment and good execution of a well-guided and personalized training plan," says Sara Álvarez, director of Reto 48, a center in which they point out that, although in general terms , all training is good for women and men, the metabolic peculiarities of each sex mean that both have exercises that are more interesting to them.

1. Women: Exercises that increase strength and burn fat

2. Men: Exercises that develop and define the muscles, gaining resistance

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