Rocío Peralta pays tribute to the cigarreras on the We Love Flamenco catwalk

By : ujikiu / On : 30/12/2022

Fourth day of parades in the X edition of We Love Flamenco.Rocío Peralta's cigar have traveled to Cuba and the Philippines with some overseas inspiration styles, and outstanding mantoncillos with Azabache embroidery.This collection sounds back and forth, and knows the ancient colonies of the Spanish empire.Linking with his last parade, Rocío Peralta takes up the figure of the cigar through the myth of Carmen."Coinciding with the end of the nineteenth time, this nostalgia was still preserved for the last territories of overseas, Cuba and the Philippines, which have left us so much influence," explained the daughter of the rejoneador Rafael Peralta.

His collection has been divided into three parts: the memory of Carmen, between reminiscences of Cuba and Spanish Philippines.Thus, Flemish fashion has traveled between these former Spanish islands in Asia and America with the memory of the cigar of Seville, with costumes full of color and shapes that change according to the fabrics.

Rocío Peralta homenajea a las cigarreras sobre la pasarela de We Love Flamenco

We have been able to see linen costumes with bicolor polka dots in which nejas predominate, as well as dresses made with embroidery of shawls, embroidered strips costumes, especially designed for this collection, polka dots, and prints."Without a doubt, a very complete and varied collection, both in color, fabrics, ornaments and, of course, designs," said Rocío Peralta.

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