Magazine 2021 - Made to Run

By : ujikiu / On : 13/03/2023

03 Summary Route FROM VALÈNCIA TO TOKIO Unforgettable images of a pandamia Super Test for geek-runners Return to running 14 24 A marathon to dream of In Kenya they talk about Valencia 30th anniversary Half Marathon Super Test Valencia - New York - London Valencia - Tokyo 32 60 76 82 46 66

04 And in 2022... 146 Municipal Sports Foundation 138 Summary CONTENTS Fernando Miñana, Paco Borao, Juan Botella, Alberto Hernández, Julián Lafuente, Álex Heras, Carlos Bonías, Eva Navarro, Juan Antonio Pardo, Carolina Ferri, Luis Cort , Marc Roig, José Antonio Redolat, Luis Miguel del Baño and Gloria Luján. MARKETING DESIGN AND LAYOUT PHOTOS Extremephoto, Hastphoto, Fede Gómez and Pedro Jiménez PRINTS Rotocobrhi COORDINATES Valencia Trinidad Alfonso Half Marathon and Marathon EDP EDIT Running CV - The GLM, S.L. Legal Deposit: V-2827-2014 ISSN: 2444-6602 A PRODUCT OF Land of Records Chronicles Valencian Community News SD Correcaminos 86 98 104 120 136 Postcards 134

08 Welcome Dear runner, Shall we introduce ourselves? You are the runner, for me and from now on, the most important runner in the world. And I am Valencia, remember: the most special sporting city of your life. At last we meet again. Your strides have finally returned to populate the streets. So much has happened in the months this pandemic has stopped us! In the last 80 years, I have never missed you like this. Never have more than two or three calendar weeks gone by without seeing your shoes at every distance imaginable, from the shortest and most random, to the exacting and painstaking 26.5-mile marathon. This fall, you're looking at a few different things. More and more normal, it is true. But there are different things. We see changes in the start and finish areas, for example. Many square meters are needed for security in covid times. The races will cover you with a sanitary device both in the runner's fairs, in the departures by waves, with their specific protocol; in the use of a mask when you are not running; at cleaning and disinfection points; in the very post-goals… Some circuits also change. And they do it better, eh! Faster than ever. But there are things that do not change. The reunion with the people. The chopped with yourself and with others. The ambient. Perhaps, at the end of the journey, you will even enjoy the post-race lunches again, to comment on the play. You have that with you. I know that you will understand all these peculiarities and conditions, because you are responsible and you will be careful and, because -otherwise you would not be here-, you want to be happy running, competing, surpassing yourself. And these are the times that we have had to live. Times in which we can be happy looking for our goal. You will find it here because I am a city... #MadeToRun Dear runner: Shall we introduce ourselves? You are the runner, for me and from now on, the most important runner in the world. And I am Valencia, remember: the most sportingly special city in your life. At last we meet again. At last your strides have returned to populate the streets. So much has happened during the months in which this pandemic stopped us! This autumn, you're seeing some different things. Increasingly normal, it's true. But there are different things. We see changes in the start and finish areas, for example. You need a lot of square meters because of the security in covid times. The races will wrap you in a sanitary device both in the runner's fairs, in the wave starts, with their specific protocol; in the use of masks when you are not running; in the cleaning and disinfection points... Some circuits are also changing. And they do it for the better! Faster than ever. But there are some things that don't change. The meeting with people. Find your best pace. The atmosphere. At the end of the race, you'll even enjoy the post-race lunches again. You have that with you. I know that you will understand all these peculiarities and conditions, because you are responsible and you will be careful and, because - otherwise you wouldn't be here - you want to be happy racing, competing, surpassing yourself. And these are the times we live in. Times in which we can be happy in the pursuit of our goal. Here you will find it because I am a city... #MadeToRun

11 València València, city of By Alberto Hernández, journalist for Corredor\ I always remember the first winter of the century. With love, because I was there. With fear, because I get old. It was the first time I stepped foot in Valencia. I was 20 years old. I thought older. I was idiot. I didn't know anything at all. Neither youth nor athletics. But it was my passion, and when you have a passion, you're not willing to cut your hair and find a job. My teeth came out on the asphalt, the tartan, the cross country... Not running, because it was bad; the cups with little messages never fooled me. I grew up in the 80s, tough people: bread, bread; to the fat, fat; al glasses, glasses; the bad, bad So I chose to live off the story. Tell, out loud, or white on black, what happened when the good guys took off their tracksuits. I always remember, he said, that in February 2000 I was with my brother Alejandro Calabuig waiting for the arrival of the marathon leaders in the Malvarrosa. It was not cold. Yes the sun was hitting. Ribera, Gavela, Sempere... we were talking about runners. At that time there were only two themes, girls and runners. And not in that order. We waited hopefully for the stopwatch car. It was not like now. Running at less than three thousand was happening in London, Berlin... places like that. A 2:12 was enough for us. The bus that transported the press was stopped at the side of the circuit. It could be the step of the average, although I would not bet on it. I haven't even bothered to check it, I don't like that the benevolence of memory is stoned by the barbarity of reality. What happened was that one of the members of Correcaminos, organizers of the event, opened the side door of the vehicle and asked: "Kids, are you hungry?" Valencians forgive an infidelity before a lunch. He arranged before us an exaggerated amount of sliced ​​bread sandwiches, pastries, coffee... A homemade catering, overflowing with ham and good intentions, prepared by the women of those unconscious who left bed early on Sundays to go to wear out legs in the Albufera and, not content with that, years ago they had personally assumed the dream that their city would have a 42-kilometre and 195-meter event. Like London, like Berlin. Scrawny guys in shorts while I devour two cheeks. It is the first thing that comes to mind when they talk to me about running in Valencia. An absurdity, you will be thinking (and thinking well), both ceremonial for this. Maybe, but I like to recreate myself in that image when I come face to face with the planetary dimensions that the race has acquired. Now companies are hired to bring the sandwiches. Because there is a lot of money in the Trinidad Alfonso EDP Valencia Marathon; more than half of those last five words you've read are from people loosening up their wallets. And they are not the only ones. There are resources, it is evident. In fact, the vast majority of my colleagues talk about Valencia without taking the budget off their lips. I do it. In Valencia they know where they come from and where they are going... They are not races, they are a legacy. with the warm taste of that lunch faltering in my sentimental ecosystem. Because I have already seen too many enlightened with paste trample their roots and give birth to monstrosities that vanish as quickly as they were erected. It is not the case. In fact, it's the opposite; many things, very well done. In the current marathon - by right among the best in the world - the foundations of those unwary who saw the future through cotton are easily glimpsed. In Valencia they know where they come from. And where are they going? The marathon, the average... they are not races, they are a legacy. The testimony of a madness, like the reddish soil of the old Turia riverbed, like Joshua Cheptegei and Letesenbet Gidey entering history through the blue tartan door next to Paseo de la Petxina. A glove in the air picked up by the 10K, the 15K Night or the occasional stops of prestigious titles; Women's Race, Put the Brake on it. Everyone will flock to the most electrifying autumn that the City of Running has ever experienced, which is not a brilliant marketing action but a logical evolution of the 'Gran Fondo' with which we lovers of strides learned Mediterranean geography. All at once, a new challenge for people accustomed to routinely doing the impossible. The same as last year fought Covid-19 with a record hit. And they won. All those crazy people who were, are and will be. It's the wind, they say. 10 Valencia


17 16 VCR and the return to running Return to running 427 days without races. It is the penance that COVID-19 imposed on Valencia Ciudad del Running... and on the entire planet. 427 days of bad news, tense waiting, nerves and frustration for many. Those 14 months had passed, and yet, when May 9, 2021 arrived, hundreds of hearts beat again with the same rhythm as before. Hundreds of slippers were put back on while it was still dark. Hundreds of runners rolled their eyes again with excitement when they reached the boxes, and with respect and some uncertainty to see what their state of form was when the starting shot sounded. But the legs worked again. The smiles, under masks, flowed again, and the teeth were clenched again during the 5.7 kilometers of that #ValènciaCorre that became a symbol on May 9, 2021. Promoted by the Municipal Sports Foundation, the race demonstrated that, with the appropriate security measures, it was possible to run again. And half of Spain (the half of Spain runner) looked at Valencia that morning full of emotion. The hours and hours of work of dozens of people had their effect and the race went off without a hitch. With a meter and a half, with security protocols, with gel and with thermometers... but to get out of the mouth when the participants saw themselves, again, running through the streets. “Thanks to the runners for keeping running alive these months. We are a city of running and we cannot be left behind. It is a great satisfaction to be able to return to the streets after more than a year without popular races ”, assured Pilar Bernabé, Councilor for Sports and visible head of a project in which there were many sleepless hours to achieve that milestone. After more than a year in dry dock, the races have returned to the city of running. With a lot of organizational effort and enormous desire, the city became a mirror where other cities have looked to resume popular races. 427 days without races

18 Back to running And when the runners had barely caught their breath, a gift arrived. Just three weeks later, another project was born. The 5K Valencia #ValenciaVuelveACorrer. Fallen from heaven for many, but in reality, the result of an effort by many others and months of previous work. This test arose from the union of a good part of the private companies in the sector, which had been in the dry dock for more than a year and wanted to receive the runners again as they know how to do best: working and creating this new test for the enjoyment of the staff . Again the nerves were repeated, the rises in lactic acid, the runaway heartbeat... a beautiful sensation that more than 1,600 lucky people experienced that same month of May. Valencia repeated the photo of success. With security measures and with the involvement of professionals, the result was clear, zero problems and plenty of joy. All this effort was not in vain. During the return to running, the rest of Spain has looked at Valencia with a magnifying glass. So much so, that two of the main national popular racing circuits decided to 'return' to Valencia as well. To kick off the summer, the 'Ponle Freno' circuit, a solidarity initiative by Atresmedia, landed in Valencia as the only physical test. Using the city's professionals, everything was a success. Millions of people were able to see that running is safe on the streets of Valencia thanks to two 10K and 5K tests with more than 2,000 registered. Likewise, the Women's Race, one of the circuits that brings together the most participation in the country, during this time focuses its efforts on releasing its pink tide in Valencia. The organization decides that this is where the starting gun should be given at the national level. It works throughout the summer and already in September, 4,000 women send a clear message leaving an image of normality running or walking in the streets of Valencia. The test is attended by people of all kinds, from those used to running or totally new. It is a sign that fear is leaving behind and there is no impediment if organizations do it well. Another litmus test came in September, with the Championship of "It's time to thank all those involved and the runners for their collaboration to make it possible for #ValenciaVuelvaACorrer safely and, above all, to enjoy the popular asphalt races that we wanted so much to see everyone again ”, they assured from the organization.

20 Return to running Europe of the Valencia Triathlon 2021. Athletes from all corners of the continent (more than 40 countries were represented on the streets of Valencia) celebrated this event with organizational success that focused on safety. But not only that. Throughout the weekend the competition took place on water and asphalt in the maritime zone of the city in perfect coexistence with the rest of the day to day and with absolute normality. Hundreds of popular athletes were able to join in the celebration of the OPEN test and what could be seen the most were happy faces with a dedicated organizational team behind working to achieve it. Again an initiative to applaud. And finally that long-awaited autumn arrived in Valencia, the city of Running. And after those first tests, normality was prevailing. The city's traditional popular racing circuit continued its course with the smiles of the runners as a regular element at the finish line. #ValenciaCorre is the motto of these tests, a motto already established and solid thanks to the work of its municipal organization. The acid test was given with two of the most important races internationally, the 15K Nocturna Banco Mediolanum and the 10K Valencia Ibercaja. Tests that also attract the attention of a good part of Spain that is fond of popular races. These appointments are usually massive in their participation and also leading in their global impact. Both organizations had to take out the best weapons and put their teams to work hard to respond to the growing demand of runners who wanted to participate. The numbers thrown by the registration platforms showed that the runners were keen. Everything had to be measured with the premise of security. In fact, a good part of the previous organization of the tests had to be done with changing legislation at each step that the numbers of the pandemic improved, which made it necessary to anticipate future scenarios and to be prudent at all times. ALL THIS EFFORT WAS NOT IN VAIN #MadeToRun VALENCIA LEADS THE WAY IN THE RETURN TO RUNNING 427 days without popular races. That is how long the City of Running has been waiting to hold popular races. COVID 19 brought the whole sector to a standstill. However, in May 2021, they were finally able to have competitions again. It all started with two races that were held under strict security measures. 2,000 people were able to take part in these first races, which had an excellent result and in which people enjoyed very much. The rest of Spain looked at how Valencia was organizing these races and some of the most important circuits in the country decided to hold their races in Valencia as well. This is the case of the 'Ponle Freno' race or the Women's Race. Also, as a major milestone, the city took an international step and managed to hold the Valencia 2021 European Triathlon Championships. An effort rewarded by a great media repercussion. Once autumn arrived, some of the most renowned races of Valencia Ciudad del Running continued to be held, such as the 15K Nocturna or the 10K Valencia. Both events are among the best in the world in their category, and their organizing teams worked hard to ensure that everyone could participate safely. During this time, new running clubs and running unions have also emerged in Valencia. This shows that the passion for running in this city is out of this world. 21 Back to running

2021 Magazine - Made to Run

The public responded. After those first races before the summer in which the number of registered had been reduced, censuses were beginning to be seen that exceeded 6,000 runners in both tests. They sent a message. They liked what they were seeing, that is, they trusted the work of the organizations and felt safe in the popular races. All of this boded well. The first appointment to arrive was the 15K Nocturna Valencia Banco Mediolanum. The start and finish area had to vary for the first time in all its years of celebration, and the starts were staggered and with a safe distance between the participants. The strides were accompanied by daily activities and there was no incident of any kind. The race ended with the best world brand of the year. Meanwhile, the legislation continued to make progress in easing sanitary measures, which continued to generate a response from the public. The 10K Valencia Ibercaja, on October 3, already had waves of up to 2,500 runners. While the organizations' headquarters continued to work with changing plans, infrastructures and security measures, the runners dedicated themselves to training with enthusiasm. The way seemed the right one. And only a few days before the celebration of this race, a new turn in the easing of restrictive measures allows the start to be with an almost traditional image. Athletes can stop keeping the safety distance while they are wearing a mask in the start and finish areas. And that's the big change. On the morning of October 3 (a morning not as cold as its usual date in January) thousands of people populate the Alameda de València to the sound of the music of Chimo Bayo. The famous Valencian DJ traditionally enlivens this outing and reignites the adrenaline rush in the runners before starting the race. The elite athletes, also present, comply with a good part of the established script and the test is once again in world news, achieving four of the twelve best marks of the year in women. With a lot of work, but with good results, the runners recover what they love most in this world, the races, that stage where they show that they are made of another material. In the words of the organization of these tests, they assured that they had “the duty to fulfill the dream of the people of celebrating the race that the runners wanted. With emotion, with security and, of course, with all the ease possible to run and give everything. It has been an effort that has put us in tension many times, but we knew that united we were going to achieve it”. 22 Back to running

25 Unforgettable images of a pandemic 24 Unforgettable images of a pandamia The unforgettable images of a pandemic The fight against COVID-19 leaves us with many images in our memories. Also in the world of popular racing, where many things have changed in the last two years. THE MASKS For months they became our companions in social life. Also in the races. The health protocols forced them to hide behind them the smiles at the finish line and the nervous faces at the start. A way to gain security if what we wanted was to continue running. The masks, usual companions at the start and finish areas. to which we beat The fight against COVID-19 has left us with many images to remember. Also in the world of popular races. The images of a pandemic we beat

27 26 Unforgettable images of a pandemic Unforgettable images of a pandemic PHOTOS WITH COLLEAGUES... FROM A DISTANCE It doesn't matter if you're close friends. If you are a couple, if you know each other to the millimeter. Social distancing has also reached the races. For several months, the sanitary measures meant that there were no group photos embracing each other. On many occasions we had to keep our distance from our teammates. THE STARTS, ORDER AND DISCIPLINE The images of the starting boxes, traditionally chaotic and nervous, become immaculately ordered. Through markings on the ground or any other method, runners rigorously keep their distance. The waves are imposed so that the participants do not come across thousands of people indiscriminately. At the start, it was compulsory to respect the social distance. A YEAR AND A HALF IN DRY DOCK Timekeepers, editors, production companies, media and photographers, security, restrooms, designers... organizers in general. Dozens of companies live from popular races. Many of them have spent a year and a half without working a single day. Being able to return was a breath of hope. The production and assembly companies were unable to work for a year and a half. THE 'LONESS' OF THE WINNERS The trophy handouts are over. There are no podiums. No matter how fast they run, many of the winners will not be applauded at the top of the box. A good part of the trophy awards were either suppressed or reduced in their protocol. Many trophy ceremonies have been cancelled. SUI GENERIS AID STATIONS When it comes to getting to some aid stations, we find items so unusual before the pandemic such as hydroalcoholic gels, masks in case we have lost ours, or even the impossibility of access if we notice an increase in body temperature. Everyone's safety prevails. At the refreshment posts we found unusual products, such as hydroalcoholic gel. THERMOMETERS AND HEATING GEL Do you have water with you? Any energy bars? Heart rate monitor and GPS ready? Well, all that remains is the temperature reading and the gel to access the drawer. For a long time, it was necessary to take the temperature before the race. discipline order

28 THE 5K CIRCUIT: FROM RECORD TO RECORD Running improves physical and mental health. And in Valencia Ciudad del Running it was demonstrated. The Circuit 5K broke its all-time record for uses in some of the toughest months of the pandemic. In February 2021, when running with a mask was mandatory, the record was broken with 78,818 uses. More than 3,300 people each day used this facility. Throughout 2020 there were 700,000 uses, with May being the most powerful month with 74,422 uses just after confinement. The desire to run has not diminished. The Circuit5K, an exclusive circuit for runners in Valencia, has broken all its records of use during the pandemic. Unforgettable images of a pandemic 5k

30 Unforgettable images of a pandemic THE CAMARADERIE AND THE CLUBS, STRONGER These have been very difficult times for the groups. In Valencia Ciudad del Running there are very solid and powerful clubs. They have had it difficult, but they have not stopped. They have worked hard to continue in the gap, so that their members have motivation. It has been months of hard work, with many new ideas and with good results. The classics have even been joined by some newly created ones in the midst of a pandemic, such as the Velas Maratón. What does not kill you makes you stronger. Stronger clubs It has been a very difficult time for the groups. In Valencia Ciudad del Running there are very strong and numerous clubs. They have worked hard to maintain the enthusiasm of their members in these difficult times. And they have succeeded. They have come out stronger.

33 32 Half Marathon THE HALF MARATHON Half Marathon 30th anniversary of the Valencia Half Marathon 30 years growing up ANI VER SARIO The test, which today is one of the main races in the world, was born as a race with a different conception from the current one. At this time, a multitude of anecdotes populate the memories of the organizers. By: Fernando Miñana

35 34 Half Marathon Half Marathon The Valencia Half Marathon celebrates its 30th edition in 2021. Nowadays, it is a race that is always in the running for the best records of the year in the world. In fact, in 2021 it achieved the men's World Record (Kibowott Kandie (KEN), 57:32) and had already achieved the women's record a few years earlier, in 2017 (Joyciline Jepkosgei (KEN), 1:04:51). The race was born in 1988, when a brand wanted to make a circuit of 20 km races in several cities in Spain. The Deportiva Correcaminos, which had already been organizing the Valencia Marathon for 7 years, began to organize it as another race in the city of Valencia. At first, it began to be held in June, even on Saturday afternoons. But it gradually found a better location in May. During the first years there were certain anecdotes during its organization. It was the end of the 1980s and the public did not yet have the good image of the runners that it has today. The biggest confusion came when the race coincided with a La Liga football match. It passed through the same street as the stadium at the same time as the fans were coming in to watch the football. After a large meeting and much discussion, the time of the race was delayed. The race was held over 20 kilometers until 2006, when it was held over the half marathon distance. From then on, the race began to grow in the number of participants and international athletes. Little by little, the quality and excellence of the race became more and more recognized until it became what it is today, one of the most important races in the world. 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE VALENCIA HALF MARATHON Seven years after that daring debut of the Deportiva Correcaminos with the Popular Marathon of Valencia, the club, considered the father of the foot race in Valencia, launched a new challenge: a race of 20 kilometers that was part of a test circuit over this distance in various capitals of Spain. The sports brand was interested in including the city of Valencia and added it to its journey, race by race, throughout the country. The first edition was called 20 kilometers Adidas Bitter Kas. That modernity of calling the tests with the distance and a K behind it had not yet reached Spain in the eighties and the race was known by its full name, without diminutives, because marketing had not yet spread in this young democracy either. The premiere of the 20 kilometers took place on June 19, 1988, a date that today would be almost unthinkable for a competition with this mileage in Valencia. During the first years it was held in June, sometimes on a Saturday afternoon, and in recent years over this distance it was established on the last Sunday of May. But, of course, then the race was already held in the morning and in some editions in which the heat was excessive, there were serious health problems, with fainting spells and fainting spells. The memory of the veterans of Correcaminos is not as precise as when they recall the first marathon in the spring of 1981. The club already had more filming and this test simply became part of the catalog of the organizers, who already shaped each year the Popular Marathon of Valencia, the Volta a Peu and the Transcalderona. Alfredo de Ibarra, Isidro Rey and Vicente Moreno, who was the race director, say that the baptism of the 20 kilometers was not, by far, as special as that of the queen test. Moreno rescues several anecdotes that occurred in this spring test, but that are not very different from those that the race director found in the Marathon or the Volta a Peu. The man who opened the weight of the pack of runners was already used to finding anything on the streets. A car that pulls out of the garage without paying much attention and almost runs over the athletes; the typical dog that nobody

36 Half Marathon controls and crosses the road from side to side avoiding the runners, and the case of an older woman who decided that she could cross the street despite the fact that she saw the car coming that cleared the way for the athletes . When someone told her that this couldn't be done, the lady raised her head, pointed to the traffic light that was right next to her, on her side, and blurted out: “How come I can't cross? If the traffic light is green for pedestrians”. It was a time in which the public was not used to seeing popular races every other Sunday, as is the case now, and in which the runners (they were still called runners and the runners had not invaded) did not have the good press they have today and were still seen as rare birds. Valencia was the second stop on that 20-kilometre racing circuit throughout Spain. Before arriving in our city, which was held on June 19, it passed through Zaragoza on April 23, and then stopped at three other venues: La Coruña (July 3), Oviedo (September 18) and Granada (9 October). In the second edition, that of 1989, Correcaminos had to face a tricky problem. The race had been set for months on the first Saturday in June. The people did their preparation, the athletes who came from abroad reserved their hotels and the permits to cut the traffic were granted. But the week of this appointment, television decided that the game that was going to broadcast that Saturday was Valencia-Sporting de Gijón. The schedules overlapped, but the most serious thing was that the route passed through Avenida de Suecia, right where the Mestalla stadium is located. That is, it was totally incompatible. The Police contacted La Deportiva to see if they could change the date, but from Correcaminos they were blunt. “We had been working for months and

39 38 A marathon to dream about Half Marathon The 20-kilometer race premiered on June 19, 1988, a date that today would be almost unthinkable for a competition with this mileage in Valencia The test has become one of the most main ones on the planet, achieving the World Record for men (2020) and women's (2017) planning everything based on this. It was physically impossible to hold the race another day. In other editions we took the race along the Avenida de Aragón, but that year it was along the Avenida de Suecia, so it was even more flagrant”. The problem was big. Channel 9, the regional television, could not go it alone either, since it went hand in hand with the rest of the regional televisions, which had their time set at prime time on Saturday, so they had to sit down and negotiate. In the end, all the parties sat down in the Valencia CF offices, which at that time were on the ground floor of the stadium on Avenida de Aragón. Correcaminos attended represented by its president, Toni Lastra, who was a Levantinist to the core, Isidro Rey and Alfredo de Ibarra. There was Enrique Guallart, who worked at Bancaixa and was a manager of the football club, and the president of Valencia, Arturo Tuzón. Together they had to make a decision to resolve the mess. After a long negotiation, an agreement was reached to delay the start of the test by half an hour and thus prevented that day, June 3, 1989, from coinciding with the entrance of the public to the stadium to see the match of the day. 35. "And that led to Valencia-Sporting being played - by the way, they won the

40 Half Marathon black and white team by two goals to one on a rainy night- and, while all the public was inside, the runners ran past Mestalla”, recalls Alfredo de Ibarra. The 20 kilometers Adidas continued to be held uninterruptedly until 1992. But then it suffered a three-year interruption. The race was not held in Valencia in 1993, 1994 or 1995. It was revived in 1996 and continued for a few more years. Until 2005. That spring, with the test already anchored in the last Sunday of May, with the runners suffering with the advance of summer in a month in which the body has not yet acclimatized to the heat, it was the last one that was held on the distance of 20 kilometers. The farewell was on May 29, 2005 and the route, in an attempt by Correcaminos to bring his tests closer to the places with which the Valencian runner was familiar, passed through the old riverbed. The years went by and, little by little, as was the case with other tests and other distances, the census of participants grew. Until a time came, with the appearance of numerous half marathon races all over the world, that it no longer made sense to continue running the race over twenty kilometers and the following year, in 2006, the City of Valencia Half Marathon was already held. The last champions of the 20 kilometer Adidas were Abdellatif Meftah (1h00:46), a Moroccan with French nationality, who became a national record holder in the half marathon and sixth in the Zurich European marathon in 2014, and the Ethiopian Ashu Kasim (1h09:30). While the first winners in the half marathon were the Kenyan Edwin Kibet (1h02:48) and Joan Aiyebei (1h12:48). The census continued to grow and every year more high-class athletes began to come to Valencia. In the end, this half marathon ended up being one of the most important in the world in terms of professional athletics and, moreover, it became a pre-marathon test for thousands of runners. Until last year the pandemic arrived and it had to be held on the same day -in parallel- to the Trinidad Alfonso EDP Valencia Marathon. Although the reward for the suspension of the popular race came with the elite and four athletes ran below the world record for the distance. The last champion, the Kenyan Kibowott Kandie became the new world record holder with a time of 57:32. Thirty years in which the test, like the marathon, has grown from the most modest, practically a race for a few hundred runners, to become one of the great references of the international concert. It is no longer a novelty that the best world record of the year is produced in Valencia, the city that can boast of holding the world record for the half marathon and of having also enjoyed the women's marathon. There came a time when it made no sense to continue holding a 20K and in 2006 the Half Marathon was born.

43 42 Luanvi Luanvi The story continues... That Valencia is a city that helps to run fast is a proven fact. Countless personal bests of elite athletes and popular runners have been seen in the City of Running and that should appear on a commemorative shirt. The design chosen for such a special edition emphasizes that sensation of dynamism and speed that running through Valencia brings. It also does so in two colors, orange as a representation of the city itself and black. The phrase Valencia makes you faster reinforces the idea. As far as textiles are concerned, the T-shirt has been produced in four patterns (men and women, in both cases with the option of short sleeves and straps). Highly elastic fabric and the latest cool-skin technology have been used to provide rapid sweat evacuation. This material, in addition to providing that quick drying, provides lightness and softness. The seam finish is flatlock thus minimizing seams during sports practice. 2014 2016 2018 2015 2017 2019 Luanvi has a new store located at its headquarters. There are 400m2 of premises with new season garments, sponsorships, an area dedicated to allowing the teams to see and touch material and an outlet corner with garments from other seasons. A brand new addition has arrived at Luanvi. The World and European Marathon champion, Martín Fiz from Vitoria is the brand's new standard bearer. A first level name that arrives to reinforce the #TeamLuanvi and the associated events. > > NEWS #TEAM LUANVI 2021

45 44 VCR and the return to Running VCR and the return to Running

A MARATHON TO DREAM 47 46 A marathon to dream After the nightmare of 2020, the time has come to dream of what thousands of people want. Cross the best goal in the world. The hard work of a team finally puts that goal within reach of the riders. A marathon to dream

48 A marathon to dream What was a nightmare is now a dream. What was a blow when in 2020 the legislation prevented the popular from running, now it is hope with 18,000 numbers through the streets. What were sleeplessness, hours and hours of work and many tensions in the fateful year of the start of the pandemic, are now perhaps even more so, but from the hope and joy of a more open-minded moment. Thanks to collective work, 2021 is not like 2020. And, luckily, that 2020 with those images that make us so uneasy is already History. But History with a capital H. What the Valencia Marathon experienced in all its aspects during those months was to be written in the books. The suffering of an organization, of its workers, the shattered hopes of popular runners... and finally an elite event, fully financed by sponsors, which was the best in the world in the most difficult year. A race that will be remembered for a long time at a sporting level. Now all that history becomes stories. With a tiny H, but with a soul and heart that will bring tears to your eyes. It will be the stories of the popular runners. The 18,000 stories of improvement, of months preparing a test in uncertain conditions. It will be a lightning explosion of diverse emotions coming from all over the world. That blue catwalk will bring joy to every square inch. Elite runners will have a new opportunity to fill the world covers with records that amaze the world, while the popular ones fill lives with lasting memories. 49 A dream marathon The Valencia Marathon team is made up of about twenty people. A good part of them work throughout the year and some in the months prior to the test. Workers of the pick and shovel of running. They are joined by several dozen more in the weeks leading up to the race. The dance of infrastructures, constructions, logistics of all kinds, tiny details that must be controlled so that everything goes well and the runner worries about the only thing: running is incredible. That team has gone through the unspeakable again after a 2021 that started the way it started. It seemed that there was hope, although everything was cut short after Christmas. But there was only one option, to work with determination and the conviction that things were going to turn out the way they had to. And so, hour by hour, protocol by protocol, sponsor by sponsor, registered by registered, politician by politician, everyone was convinced that this 2021, yes. This 2021 dreams are going to be on the street because they have worked hard for it. In the middle of the year, given the rise in cases and new variants, tests are canceled again. The Tokyo Marathon falls again. Others have doubts. And at that moment, the Marathon responded: go ahead, we're going to make it. And the machinery, which had never stopped, went into full swing. Again during the spring there are meetings, long working days, commitments... and in June the announcement comes: go ahead. The path is retraced. In 2020 Valencia managed to have 30,000 registered who could not run. In that 2020 he got into the top 5 fastest circuits worldwide. This 2021 is reconstruction and growth. It returns to the important figures, but "the decision to reduce the census by more than 40% (from those 30,000 to the current 18,000) is a message of prudence," says Paco Borao, director of the test. “What we have to do is establish protocols that guarantee the safety and comfort of the runners and that are correct for coexistence with the life of the city, to whom we owe ourselves. We must be sure that we are doing the right thing and the best thing for all parties”, he concludes. According to Borao, "2021 should be a year to recover the thousands of runners on the streets, 2022, to return to the ambitious figures we had in 2020, and from there, continue to grow above 30,000 popular runners." As for the sporting objectives, it is still ambitious. A good part of the most important world marathons coincide in autumn, but Valencia achieved a victory in 2021 and does not want to get off there. The 2:03:00 mark is the bar to beat. Valencia is already a marathon watched by the best athletes in the world and the spectacle offered here was broadcast by 230 televisions from all over the planet. It cannot be loosened. This is a competition. In every sense. This is Valencia, and here they come to run.

It's hard to comprehend all that a popular runner sacrifices when running a marathon. Some of his resignations are really stratospheric. Time with family, sacrificed. With friends, too. early morning Pains and more pains. Change the diet and hours of sleep. You give up leisure gatherings, some trips. Your environment notices it. But at the same time, you are growing. Your firmness, your determination, your orientation to achievement. You start to think you are invincible. You gain positive values ​​that you had half forgotten. You grow as a person. And your environment also notices it. And all that has multiplied in this year and a half. Both the bad things and the good things. All for 1,000. All that sacrifice was left in dry dock in 2020. In the words of the test director, “it was the hardest moment. Having to tell those thousands of people that the pandemic did not allow us to do the popular test was really very painful. But now there is a green light. The Valencia Marathon asked all its registrants in the spring 'who wants to run in 2021', and all those who answered 'me', obtained their place. Each and every one of them. The reward is near. A team of people has been working for months so that 18,000 people fulfill their dreams. They continue to put in more hours than they should, more sleeplessness than would be justified. Like you runners. All so that there are no more nightmares. For everything to be normal again, of the people. To make it dreamy. The goal is worth it. 50 A marathon to dream "The decision to reduce the census by more than 40% (from 30,000 to the current 18,000) is a message of prudence" The reward is near. A great team of people has been working for months so that 18,000 people fulfill their dreams.

53 A marathon to dream about 52 A marathon to dream about Who would have thought that after touching the sky in our 2019 marathon we would have to start over from scratch? At that moment I finally felt that I had formed the best medical team, with a protocol that we could copy in future editions. World Athletics congratulated us for our medical work, for having treated almost 500 people, and for having carried out only 2 evacuations to hospitals in the city. We have trained volunteers in first aid. Our health workers have learned to treat runners' specific pathologies, such as heat stroke or exertional syncope, as they should be... And suddenly, everything changes. The protocols used in previous editions are dead paper. We start from scratch. People expect you, as a doctor, to explain to them what is happening, but you know the same as the rest, what comes to you through the media, what the different organizations and medical societies are communicating little by little. What is white one day, the next day is gray, or black. What we were clear about was that we had to start from scratch, train from the scant scientific evidence that existed and adapt month by month to the current situation. ADAPTATION was the word that was repeated the most, although it was accompanied by resignation, by resilience. An international group was formed to organize sporting events in times of pandemic, where the risk of the test was assessed and strategies were developed to carry out the competitions. And so, we were able to carry out our project. We like to do things well and we realized that we could stand up to COVID. The same anesthesiologists and intensivists who have been fighting in the trenches of resuscitation and the ICU these two years have been collaborating in our Marathon. We have changed protocols, we have learned about epidemiology and prevention. As I said at the time, we are not unconscious or running fanatics; We value the risks and we face them minimizing them to the maximum. Tracking corridors and controlling AMARATHON TO DREAMABOUT After the nightmare of 2020, it is time to dream of what thousands of people wish for. To cross the best finish line in the world. The hard work of a team finally brings this goal within reach of the runners. What was a nightmare is now a dream. What was a blow when in 2020 the legislation prevented the popular runners from being able to run, is now hope with 17,000 race bibs in the streets. During 2020, the Valencia Marathon suffered its most complicated year. Popular runners could not participate. However, the elite runners were able to take part in the event. It was fully paid for by the sponsors, and required the hard work of the race team. It became the best race in the world in 2020. It made headlines all over the world. But something was missing. According to Paco Borao, the race director, "when the pandemic prevented the popular runners from running, we felt very sorry. it was a very hard moment for us". However, the working machinery has not stopped working. During the spring, the Valencia Marathon asked those who could not run in 2020 if they wanted to run in 2021. 17,000 of them said yes and set to work to make it happen. After a lot of work, meetings, safety protocols... the goal is close. The effort of the runners is enormous and is about to be rewarded. The goal is near. The Valencia Marathon, TOP 5 in the world is in full growth after the pandemic and awaits you with open arms. By Luis Cort, medical director of the Trinidad Alfonso EDP Valencia Marathon and Half-Marathon, health played a leading role in our last race, at the same level as care for runners on the circuit or in our hospital. And this year, it seems that we are gradually returning to normality, prudently, cautiously, always knowing that everything can change and that we will have to continue adapting to whatever comes. At last the popular ones are back, those that give meaning to our career and those that brighten up our tests. We will be there for all of them. Adapt to COVID times

55 54 A marathon to dream about A marathon to dream about My dream for the Valencia Marathon is to be able to run the best races again, end up enjoying it, improve my time if I can, and be able to continue running for many more years. Vicente Cerverón Lleó Goes for you. My dream is to finish my first marathon. I signed up the day after I found out that my mother had cancer, I decided that a year later we would celebrate her victory at the finish line after much sacrifice. She suffered and achieved it, now comes my time to pay her back for that effort, even if it is a year later. Raquel Espinosa The dreams of runners 2h45' and 42195 meters separate me from my dream. It won't be easy but together with Luis, Vicent, Fran and Nico I will give everything up to the blue carpet. Lameta and mine are waiting for me! Alejandro Seara I dream every day of revalidating the family feat, my father ran the first one, I run this one. I dream of smiling, enjoying and crying with emotion, living this experience and believing that it will be the first of many. Run Valencia Marathon. Jaume Palau

57 56 A marathon to dream A marathon to dream Tour the wonderful streets of Valencia with its animation and cross the blue carpet with the @RetoDravet t-shirt, for these children and their families. Richard Sandua I have participated in many marathons, but my dream in this 2021 Valencia Marathon is to finish it and dedicate it to a very special person "My Father". Dad, thank you, thank you and thank you, for learning so much from you. Jesús Saiz My dream is to get to know Valencia and the Plaça de la Marató, have an incredible race and stay in the top 10 in the 2021 Brazilian Marathon Ranking with 2h25'. José Eduardo Papini My dream is to cross that blue catwalk full of joy, tiredness, smiles, suffocation, hair like spikes, the goal closer and closer and the heat of the people I see running every day I go out. Ángel Rodrigo I dream of running in Valencia officially debuting in the Marathon, the dream begins in Costa Rica with enthusiasm, purpose and dedication, running the Valencia Marathon is my dream and being at the finish line with a Strong Mind is joy for my heart. Teresita Granados After participating in 10 marathons, my big goal is to go below 3 hours and I'm going to fight for it with the people of C. A. Poblats Marítims. Raúl de Gregorio I ran the last 10K parallel to the Marathon and that day I bought the number for the 42K. My dream is to debut at this distance and less than 3 hours Raúl Rollón 'Chousa' After the pandemic I started training just for this race. 3 years ago I fell in love with this route, I failed in time and my dream is to see the two hours at the finish line. Sub 3h is my GOAL! Carlos Ramírez This time, even if it's on all fours, I intend to cross the finish line. Teresa Castro It is my first marathon, in 2022 I am going to be a daddy and I dream of finishing it between 3:30 and 4:00 and dedicating it to the baby running with his name on the number. Jorge Pérez My dream is to be able to run the marathon and finish it, because that would mean that the covid situation would already be normal or almost as before, that would be enough for me. José Ignacio Arnau This will be my second partition in the Valencia Marathon. The first time I had to retire injured. An injury was not going to take away my illusion of reaching the finish line of a marathon. After 2 hard years I want to be able to reach the finish line and enjoy running the best marathon in the world in the best city in the world. Rafa Bellvís My dream is to finish my first Marathon and there is nothing better than doing it in my city, with my friends and family and being able to dedicate my finish line to my grandparents. Carlos Mases End it for the people who support me, friends, colleagues and family, especially my grandfather. My first was in 2017 with him in the hospital and I want to finish my medal clover for him, since he is regular. Sergio Bañón They say that 3rd time is the charm, because that is my goal in Valencia 2021, beat my time and manage to do 3h 30min or less and dedicate myself to my wife and son for supporting me at all times. christian lopez