R. DOMINICANA will incorporate the meringue into the activities of your diplomatic corps

By : ujikiu / On : 14/09/2022

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic (MILEX) today launched a dissemination plan of the meringue and asked the president of the country, Danilo Medina, who provides by decree the incorporation of the national rhythm into the activities of the diplomatic and consular corps.

The "Foreign Policy of Dissemination and Recognition:" Merengue, Music and Dance ", is presented after UNESCO declared this musical genre as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in November 2016.

In the act held at the Mirex headquarters and headed by the Dominican Foreign Minister, Miguel Vargas, were present by the Dominican ambassador to Unesco, José Antonio Rodríguez, and the main exponents of the rhythm, such as Joseito Mateo, Johnny Ventura, Rafael Solano, WilfridoVargas, Fernando Villalona, Fefita la Grande, Milly Quezada, Miriam Cruz, the Rosario brothers, among others.

The minister explained, during his speech, that he has requested "the issuance of a decree to incorporate merengue into all diplomatic, consular and offices of the Dominican offices abroad, so that this heritage of humanity is present inThe activities organized by the foreign service on the occasion of the national dates, receptions, offerings or any other type of commemorative celebration ".

"Our music, with cadencious profiles, everyone starts vibrating, and now becomes part of the country brand that the Dominicans exhibit with such pride," he added.

R.Dominicana incorporará el merengue a las actividades de su Cuerpo Diplomático

For his part, Rodríguez, one of the architects of the process to obtain the recognition of UNESCO to this musical genre, said that this certificate "is for the world to know that the meringue has a surname that no one can take away.The meringue is Dominican ".

Rodríguez delivered the official certificate that declares the meringue as "Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity" during the event, in which the main exponents of the genre were recognized and a video with which several posthumous tribute to several artists of thegender already deceased, with a special distinction for Casandra Damirón.

In recent months, the Dominican government has opted to promote this typical rhythm abroad, which since 2005 has a national day, on November 26, date on which various merengue festivals are held by Dominican geography.

Thus, last March the Dominican Republic brought a wide delegation to the ITB Tourist Fair in Berlin to promote the attractions of the genre, which was also the protagonist of the "Latin America and the Caribbean week" held in Paris last June, after theOfficial delivery of the certificate accredits the Dominican meringue as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Also at the local level there has.

In addition, last July, the Ministry also announced that it will organize a typical merengue national festival with the aim of preserving this musical genre, and the latest edition of the long museum night was dedicated to the typical Dominican rhythm.

To immortalize the musical genre, UNESCO took into consideration that meringue "is essentially transmitted through participation and its practice attracts very different social classes, contributing to fostering respect and coexistence between communities".

Born at the end of the S.XIX, the meringue has evolved with the times as part of the musical culture of the Dominican Republic.