Advances in the project for the construction of biosaludable roads in the Carrión River area

By : ujikiu / On : 12/07/2022

The Government Team of the Palencia City Council advances in the project for the construction of bio-healthy roads in the area of ​​the Carrión river between Puente Mayor and Avenida Santiago Amón with the presentation to the opposition of the details of the same in the Works Information Commission, "where we have explained to them that the document drawn up by a local engineering office, foresees an investment of 1.17 million euros, financed by the Funds Regional Development Committees of EDUSI, and an execution period of seven months," said the mayor responsible for the area, Facundo Pelayo.

This proposal, which is established as the second phase of what the City Council has called 'Palencia Río', "since the first, the one that concerns the northern zone, established between Pabellón and Segundo Sotillo, is already informed and pending resolution of the land expropriation process", Pelayo clarified, foresees a series of very specific interventions, "all of them seeking environmental and social recovery, guaranteeing the conservation of its ecological values ​​and integrating the area into the fabric urban," he added.

More specifically, these interventions are the construction of an accessible ramp from Avenida de Castilla, "which will be achieved by modifying one of the pedestrian access branches from the riverside to the pedestrian walkway connecting to Isla Dos Aguas," he revealed. the councilor, the widening of the sections in which there is only one common lane for bicycles and pedestrians, "unfolding it into two independent lanes, thus avoiding the interference that currently occurs and possible accidents", he clarified, a pedestrian crossing on the edge of the laminated wood channel, a perimeter railing on said edge, viewpoints and lighting with LED technology.

Progress on the project for the construction of bio-healthy roads in the Carrión river area

Everything will be topped off with the installation of equipment for carrying out bio-healthy activities, "even contemplating different awareness actions so that the population in general is encouraged to go to this area of ​​the city, currently underused, and integrate into its daily routine physical activity", explained Pelayo, who added that, at the same time, the proposal will allow the recovery of degraded spaces, their environmental conditioning, "betting on native species instead of alien and invasive ones", and the improvement of pedestrian mobility and cyclist, "by integrating with the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, with the project for the creation of a shared route on a single platform for the entire Avenida Castilla, which we have submitted to the call for the Resilience Plan, and with the Mobility Plan Cyclist".

Finally, with respect to this project, Facundo Pelayo stressed that the intention of the Government Team is to award it as soon as possible so that the works can be carried out in parallel to the cleaning of the channel, between Puentecillas and the pedestrian walkway of Isla Dos Aguas, which will be carried out by the public company Tragsa, by virtue of the collaboration agreement signed with the Provincial Council for an approximate value of 200,000 euros, "and which comes to continue with the first intervention that was carried out in the cuérnago de Isla Dos Aguas, to the Sandoval bridge".

Cycling Mobility Plan

In addition to detailing everything related to bio-healthy paths, "with which, in the end, we do nothing other than comply with the second phase of the Riberas Plan, promised and committed by the Zapatero socialist government, of which never again It was known", said Pelayo, the session also served to do the same with the bulk of the actions planned in the Cyclist Mobility Plan for the year 2022, "which has a budget of 868,000 euros and which, also financed by the EDUSI , provides for the creation of a 61-kilometre network of bike lanes with actions in 94 roads and spaces in the city and has an execution period of three months", concluded the Councilor for Works.