Princess Leonor is inspired by Queen Letizia and copies the same look she wore 11 years ago

By : ujikiu / On : 15/11/2022

After the traditional concert held yesterday and the audience with the winners this morning at the Hotel de la Reconquista, comes one of the most anticipated appointments on the Royal Agenda: the official delivery of the Princess of Asturias Awards. Princess Leonor has returned from Wales, where she is in high school, to attend to her constitutional commitments and she has done so with an impeccable style and two hairstyles to match those of the Infanta Sofía: the ringlet waves that they wore yesterday at the Palacio de Congresos Príncipe Felipe with her long hair loose and both semi-updos with a parting in the middle and front locks above the shoulders, on which both bet to receive the winners of the 2021 Asturias Medals. However, upon arrival on the blue carpet of the Principality we discovered that, this time, the eldest daughter of the Kings has differed from her sister with the ponytail that Queen Letizia already wore eleven years ago for the same occasion.

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Princess Leonor's wavy ponytail

Princess Leonor has arrived at the official ceremony of the Princess of Asturias Awards in a round-neck dress with a geometric print. For the occasion, the heiress has chosen a high ponytail combed back with the middle and ends molded with the soft waves that flatter her so much. Well, eleven years ago on this same day, the then princess Letizia also wore this updo that included the easy trick that helps hide the rubber band that secures the hair: wind a lock around it to give the look a more polished finish.


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Regarding the characteristics of the hairstyle inspired by her mother that the eldest daughter of the Reyes has worn in Oviedo, experts point out the elegance provided by the high pigtails that emerge from the crown of the head due to their stylizing effect on the neck line, because they leave the features completely clear and, lastly, because of their power to give great strength to the look, a detail that becomes even more important in times of masks. A trick that has not only been put into practice by the heiress, both Infanta Sofía and Queen Letizia have chosen to focus attention on the face through their updos: this time it was the mother and youngest of the Royal Family who have coincided with the same bow that each one has worn in a very different version.


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The low and voluminous version of Queen Letizia

A few centimeters lower than the hairstyle that Princess Leonor has worn and with a slight combing that added volume in the area of ​​the roots, the Queen dazzled at the official delivery of the then Prince of Asturias Awards in 2010. Over the years, Doña Letizia has resorted to this styling again on several occasions, pointing it out as one of her leading looks. The last time she chose it was on October 12 on the occasion of the Hispanic Day celebrations, an appointment for which Felipe VI's wife resorted again to the ponytail with extra movement, this time with a slight change: she placed the parting in the middle instead of collecting all the hair back as she had done up to now.

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