Cavalcata de Pozoblanco: New route and more than 4,000 kilos of candies Novo Sancti Petri, 30 years of the best resort in Spain

By : ujikiu / On : 06/07/2022

Pozoblanco does not renounce the ride of the Magi through the streets of the town, although with some modifications in terms of its original route, avoiding the narrowest streets so that agglomerations do not occur and ensure a minimum security distance between people among peoplethat participate in the real and public delegation.

The departure is scheduled at 6:00 p.m.The silo.The delegation will be composed of seven floats plus six street animations, in addition to the royal porteros that will go by period car, with the musical accompaniment of the Municipal Symphony Band of Pozoblanco.

The Magi will distribute 4,000 kilos of candies during the real parade, and will be accompanied by a large security operation composed of members of the Local Police, the Civil Guard and Civil Protection volunteers.In addition, the Magi will release costumeSilo.

 Cabalgata de Reyes de Pozoblanco: Nuevo recorrido y más de 4.000 kilos de caramelos Novo Sancti Petri, 30 años del mejor resort de España

On this occasion, children must see their majesties from a catwalk, but they can collect their special gift, from the City of Pozoblanco it is reported that all the people who participate in the reception will have their PCR made and with a negative result, in addition tobe mandatory to use mask at all times.

In the region of the Pedroches, most of the locations maintain their real parades although many of them are asking that the children see them from the doors of their homes to avoid agglomerations and receive in them the candies of their majesties.It has only been suspended, for the moment, the parade in Santa Eufemia due to the number of infections registered in recent days.