Palace serves as a union catwalk - Grupo Milenio

By : ujikiu / On : 15/03/2022

Although the imprisonment of La Quina and Elba Esther Gordillo were orchestrated by Carlos Salinas de Gortari and Enrique Peña Nieto, Andrés Manuel López Obrador yesterday inaugurated an unprecedented form of interference by the Executive Power in the life of any union: in his first morning of the week , five of the 25 candidates to lead the oil union began to use the National Palace to promote themselves (the rest will parade through the same privileged catwalk).

The fact contradicts that of respect for the rights of others that is proclaimed so much.

The lavishness of the Treasury room is far from the vulgar sidewalks, squares and offices of the 36 sections (and many more delegations) where the union campaigns of all the companies are usually held, but in this it is a question of putting under the main marquee of the country who claim to represent the approximately 107,000 members of the Petroleum Workers' Union of the Mexican Republic (Pemex also has almost 40,000 "trusted" employees).

From the election, the person who occupies the general secretariat will emerge, who resigned three years ago, disaffected by the government (he supported the PRI José Antonio Meade against AMLO): Carlos Romero Deschamps.

Palacio sirve de pasarela sindical - Grupo Milenio

The promotion of union leadership from Palacio is unprecedented.

Why is the same not done in the union elections of the more than half a million Social Security workers or the million and a half in the education sector? Because those of Pemex generate a lot, a lot of money, and the others do not.

Each of the suitors enjoys five sad but brilliant (for presidential) minutes to present obvious proposals, but only one stands out, the first by his last name to expose himself to public shame: former senator and PRI deputy Ricardo Aldana.

He is the same comparsa of Carlos Romero Deschamps in the famous Pemexgate. Both criminally accused for the 500 million pesos that the union donated in 2000 to the campaign of the PRI Francisco Labastida, escaped jail because, from the legal point of view, it was a housing loan like the many that Pemex legally grants to your union.

The election of the next leader unleashes morbidity: whoever knows the union organization best and has insisted on ingratiating himself with morenismo and Pemex is Aldana, current treasurer of the organization.

Aldana is the virtual favorite of the government and against him, sadly, the other 24 are nothing.

His bad reputation is not the only thing he will have to overcome, but also the detail that he has never belonged to the union, although he is so sure that he is the favorite that he ordered to make it out of his pocket? 50 thousand caps and banners.

And although he offers "transparency", he arouses suspicion wherever he is seen.

If the most improbable happens, someone among the irrelevant is elected or elected, what will be at stake is the job stability that Pemex, despite everything and against everything, has had for more than 30 years...

Carlos Marin