Our August issue is already on sale!

By : ujikiu / On : 05/03/2023

Dear reader,

Today I am writing to you about August number.A number that, before everything changed, many of you bought in train stations or airports, moments before embarking on the dream and desired destination.Reading for the trip, which is always as or more important than fate.We want you to continue traveling with us on paper, on the web, on social networks ... we are increasingly present in many channels, to be where you are.To go where you go, even if everything changes.

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Travel companions

Violeta Valdés, our beauty director, reminds us in the edit of the number of August the Kavafis verses: "... that the road is long, full of adventures, full of experiences".Accompany us on this trip through the August number of Marie Claire.These are our main stops.

1.Marion Cotillard, our cover.The Cannes Festival has already come to an end but its films now begin its trip.Three titles opened the spectators on a channel, who later divided into staunch defenders or radicals detractors: Annette, of Leos Carax;Benedetta, by Paul Verhoeven, and Titane, by Julia Ducournau, finally winner of the Gold Palm.We talked to Marion Cotillard, protagonist of the first one, Annette, who speaks of toxic creation and masculinity.

¡Ya está a la venta nuestro número de agosto!

2.Voices to listen.Women dominate the podcast panorama in Spanish.Anastasia Bengoechea, Cristina Miter, Coco Dávez, Victoria Martin and Carolina Iglesias tell us what they are talking about and what they are interested in hearing.

3.Essential fashion.We tell you that you must have in the closet before September.The basics, which will help you express the essence of your personality and what you can combine more easily.

4.The best for your hair.We celebrate the first edition of the Marie Claire Hair Awards Spain by choosing the 12 products that best take care of your hair.Your results will surprise you.

5.Debate about inclusive language.Is the tongue all or only of some?Who are we and us?Should Matria instead of homeland?Do we complicate communication so much that it is impossible to understand each other?

6.The 6 coast destinations to enjoy without leaving the country.The best of Lanzarote, Valencia, Huelva ,, Cádiz, Murcia and Barcelona,

7.Veggie life.A special on veganism to understand that it is not limited to not eating flesh, is a way of thinking and being that changes the perception of the world.

And finally, a reading to enjoy on route: my personal recommendation for this summer is the year of magical thinking, by Joan Didion, the best that has been written about love and loss.But you will find many more summer readings in this number that already awaits you.

Thanks for reading us,

Raquel Marcos

Deputy Executive Editor of Marie Claire Spain

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