Online payments are an ally for companies in post-pandemic recovery

By : ujikiu / On : 14/03/2022

As a result of the health and mobility restrictions due to Covid-19, small, medium and large companies had a greater opportunity through digital tools to maintain and attract new customers.

Read more: E-commerce: the urgent step for your company

For this reason, with the aim of boosting sales with simple collection control, encouraging digital commerce in a secure manner and contributing to economic reactivation, Davivienda offers digital payment methods for different types of businesses.

“At Davivienda we put our new Payment Gateway at the service of companies, which integrates digital solutions that adjust to different business models and without the need to invest in their own website,” said Ericka Umaña, Public Relations coordinator. of Davivienda.

This implementation will help each company in its growth, causing a greater record of sales and volume of clients, in addition to making collections and maintaining a better control of payments and operations.

Pagos en línea son un aliado para las empresas en recuperación post pandemia

The financial institution recommends taking into account the following aspects:

1. Establish a target audience: having it identified will allow for more successful online sales.

2. Offer a simple and intuitive navigation, which allows users to appreciate products and services, as well as payment tools in an easy and secure way.

3. Have flexible payment tools that accept different payment channels and transactions. Davivienda has options such as a shopping cart, payment link, QR code and collection microsites, which enable agile, simple and secure transactions between businesses and their customers.

4. Streamline delivery times through operational logistics and available digital tools, for better attention to user needs.

5. A good digital marketing strategy will always be a great ally of electronic commerce. This will strengthen the positioning of the brand.

To find out which is the best model to digitize your business, you can access the website where you will find free advice and the most appropriate sales and payment collection options.

Read more: Threats facing your e-commerce site and how to mitigate them

Before the pandemic, Costa Rica managed to position itself in 56th place out of 152 economies in the annual index on the implementation of electronic commerce, published by the United Nations Organization (UN), achieving a significant increase in e-commerce.


Name Banco DaviviendaFocus Payment gateway for companiesOperations Latin AmericaFundación 1972Website