A click of something more than art (+ video) • Workers

By : ujikiu / On : 27/07/2022

Publicado el•por Tamara Rendón Portelles • 1 comentario (16 puntos, 4 votos)Cargando…

The Artistic Laboratory of San Agustín - Lasa is an artistic creation group that belongs to the Cuban Fund of Cultural Assets (FCBC).This group of entrepreneurs founded the Alcansan Electronic Store, which celebrates its first anniversary in the context of the National Handicraft Fair.

The Curator of French origin Aurélie Sampeur, one of her creators with the Cuban artist Candelario, tells about this venture that calls us to dare us to the aesthetic, decorative, ecological and also technological change.

You can access here: https: // www.Alcansan.Nat.Cu/algomasarrte/es/

What is Alcansan and which purposes do you have?

Alcansan is an online store where you can find artisanal, wood and metal utilitarian plants with contemporary aesthetic taste to improve the quality and environment of the Cuban home.

Alcansan offers all e -commerce facilities: choice of products from a friendly website at any time, reliable payment with national digital catwalks (such as Transfermóvil and Enzona) and international, delivery flexibility (home, in our workshop), attentionto the client by social networks, WhatsApp, email and telephone, in addition to having a flexible return policy.

Cuba takes its first steps in the development of electronic commerce.What prompted LASA to undertake this initiative?

To understand Alcansan's story, we must talk about the artistic laboratory of San Agustín.Lasa was born from the need for a space for contemporary contextual artistic creation in the public sphere in Cuba: performance, artistic actions, sCulptures, concerts that are born from a partiCular aspect of a territory: the economy, history, its geographical position, itstown planning.Lasa participated in several biennials from Havana and received the National Curator Award in 2010.The essence of Lasa lies in experimentation from art, but not only with artists.He foCuses his actions on creativity and involves not only artists from all disciplines, but also of other professions.

Algomásqueque, the first brand of the Alcansan store, was born as a contextual artistic action.From a partiCular situation, a project is created that shows more obvious this situation.In this case, when our store is created, we are at the time of the first steps of electronic commerce a year ago and the COVID-19 was beginning to paralyze our lives, to transform our way of working.

A un clic de Algo más que Arte (+ Video) • Trabajadores

In this context, Candelario had the idea of creating an online store where objects could be purchased to decorate the home, plants, household textiles, etc..He created a multidisciplinary work team with specialists in business and business management, computer scientists and also included FCBC.Etecsa included us in a pilot test to have domain and VPS.Thus we could have a domain.how and include Cuban platforms Transfermóvil and Enzona in our store.

Something more than art was the product line founded by this virtual shopping center.What is your assessment about the first year of work?

After a year of existence, the same enthusiasm for products that improve the atmosphere of the home are still noticeable.We notice that Customers and followers are also very avid of tips that we disseminate in our blog with more than 470 views per article.

During this year, we have worked hard to stabilize and increase our production capacity to meet the demand we have and although the economic and health situation at this time is unavailable in Cuba, we have put many of our efforts in the quality of our productsand services.This is a daily challenge that we never lose sight.

How was feedback with Customers?

We have very dynamic Customer service that collects many testimonies.Also our team of messengers is an important source of information.In addition, we use measurement tools in our social networks and blog that feeds us objectively.Finally, the participation we have in events, such as the National Handicraft Fair and the newly held Havana Opportunities Fair allow us to have a direct exchange with Customers.

Aljardín is the new brand that Alcansan launches on its first anniversary.What kind of products and services will provide online?

We want to diversify the products to decorate the home, offices, businesses, offering the possibility of buying interior plants online, but also to place on terraces or balconies, as well as potting accessories and small furniture, shelves.To facilitate the care of these, the client will have the possibility of accessing biopreparated, smoking, tools, organic matter, among other articles and landscaping services.

Challenges and projections?

We have had opportunities to export our products, we have Customers outside Cuba, who would like to acquire them and benefit from our services.We have the mechanism for international payment, but we still face some administrative obstacles.

We aspire to become a small business (SME), following the latest updates and opportunities for different economic actors in Cuba.

What does this project mean for you?

For the first time, I am involved in a business project.Every day, I discover and learn.At such a partiCular moment we live, it is very interesting and stimulating.We have also armed a multidisciplinary and flexible work team that I direct with Ernesto López Mola.Together we seek to share the pleasure of the challenges!

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A comment at a click of something more than art (+ video)

Nivian Montes dice:

Excellent opportunity This Candelario venture and his team, to accommodate and improve the image of the home.


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