No more murdered journalists

By : ujikiu / On : 08/07/2022

, a strong claim to the State to do something to stop the murders of journalists that, so far in the current administration, total 28; three of them committed this year. In the last two decades there have been 148 and of all of them, according to data from the Ministry of the Interior, 90 percent have gone unpunished, in addition to the fact that several of the victims whose lives were taken had "protection." La Razón joins the mourning in the country for the murders of José Luis Gamboa, Margarito Martínez and Lourdes Maldonado. The claim must be heard. Without a free press there is no democracy.

The arguments that the President gave yesterday regarding his decision to replace the person in charge of building one of the key works of his administration: the Mayan Train, are enlightening. "We can love a person very much, but if that person does not apply himself, he is not enthusiastic, he does not have enough convictions, he does not internalize that we are living in a historic time, a stellar moment in public life in Mexico...", said the president. who gave as an example of those who do, the helmsmen of two other flagship projects such as the Felipe Ángeles Airport and the Dos Bocas Refinery. For this reason, the president defended having appointed Javier May in charge of the railway project. "We need more action", was his conclusion and the question that everyone asked yesterday was whether Rogelio Jiménez Pons will serve as Undersecretary of Communications. Phew.

At the last minute, the federal government decided to send a specialized group to Tijuana to support the investigations into the murder of journalists Margarito Martínez and Lourdes Maldonado. It is a representation made up of members of the National Intelligence Center, the Secretary of National Defense, the Secretary of the Navy, the National Guard and the Anti-Kidnapping Coordination. The purpose is, they tell us, to coordinate work with the State Attorney General's Office, headed by Ricardo Iván Carpio, and in general with the state government headed by Marina del Pilar Ávila. For now, the Undersecretary of Public Security, Ricardo Mejía Berdeja, reportedly went to Maldonado's home to carry out an inspection to locate space, territory and circumstances, and assured that there are important advances in the investigations. Results are expected soon from the work that this specialized group can carry out.

No more journalists killed

For those who were already rubbing their hands and assuming that within the ranks of Morena's own bench, a shake-up could be generated in the coordination of the faction and incidentally in the Political Coordination Board, headed by Ricardo Monreal, the The news is that this scenario continues to dissipate rapidly. They tell us that the depressurization of the tense Morenista environments, there in the Insurgentes and Reforma building, had to do with some statements such as those of the president of the Board of Directors, Olga Sánchez Cordero, who pointed out that the Zacatecan is a great political operator who He not only has the confidence of his parliamentary group but also of the different forces that make up the Senate, and he also said that he sees him at the head of the bench. Other voices close to the so-called "hardcore" have added to theirs, who have indicated that the issue to be addressed at the next meeting of the bench will be that of the Commission on Justice in Veracruz —because it seems that they want to broaden their scope to other entities— In that meeting there is no guarantee that sparks will not fly, they tell us, but things are different.

After leaving behind their differences over the security issue, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Governor Diego Sinhue Rodríguez sat down to talk at the National Palace together with the Secretary of the Interior, Adán Augusto López, after in In recent months, adjustments were made to the El Zapotillo dam project and in its place it was decided to advance in the project that will provide water to almost all of that entity, mainly in the cities of the Industrial Corridor that includes the municipalities of Celaya, Salamanca, Irapuato and León, so that the meeting was also attended by the respective mayors, in addition to the head of Conagua, Germán Martínez Santoyo, to make the use of the liquid more efficient in that region, although the state president was cautious in stressing that "until it is specify a little more, the corresponding announcements will be made”, for which a fourth meeting was scheduled.

They make us see that, despite the fact that the catwalk of the candidates to direct the Union of Oil Workers of the Mexican Republic continues in the morning at the National Palace, the one that until now has concentrated the most attention from both the different forms that have sought to question it, of the union members, of the analysts of the union issue and of the public has been Ricardo Aldana. The current treasurer of the group, considered of high importance for the country for affiliating the workers of Petróleos Mexicanos, offered in his participation that he will look for a new Pemex and a new organization with a way of working that gives us the guarantee and guarantees to them that we are going to make absolutely all the work of our union organization transparent.

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