Nicolás de Denmark returns to the catwalk to parade with Naomi Campbell in Paris

By : ujikiu / On : 21/07/2022

It was in February 2018 when Nicolás de Denmark debuted as a model on the London catwalk in Burberry's parade.The first step in a career that has been consolidating little by little and that has been able to combine perfectly with its business administration and service management studies.However, last summer his decision was announced to move to Paris during a semester -along with his girlfriend Benedikte Thourup -, which many interpreted as the definitive proof that he would put aside his career as a model.Theory that Nicolás himself has denied when he went back to the Paris catwalk by Rains.

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Nicolás de Dinamarca vuelve a la pasarela para desfilar junto a Naomi Campbell en París

The prince has been in charge of closing the parade, in which he has coincided with such powerful names in the industry as Naomi Campbell.Dressed with a set of t -shirt and pants padded fabric and a plummifer in the pink more trend, the eldest son of Prince Joaquín of Denmark and his first wife, Countess Alejandra de Frederksborg, has signs once again from hisGreat experience on the catwalk.

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In addition to parading for firms as known as Dior or Burberry, Nicolás de Denmark has also participated in campaigns and starring advertising posters.The prince even hired the services of several models agencies, among which was Sigh Management Studio, Spanish agency in charge of representing names like Andrés Velencoso.Facts that, despite continuing his business studies and having worked as an apprentice in the real estate company of multimillionaire Mikael Goldschmidt, are a good sample of the high interest of the Prince in the fashion industry, in which he will surely continue to develop his career.

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