Meat Loaf, legendary rock singer, dies at 74 years

By : ujikiu / On : 21/09/2022

For Hi!USA -Miami

El cantante Meat Loaf murió en la noche del jueves a los 74 años, dejando como legado uno de los álbumes más vendidos de todos los tiempos: Bat Out Of Hell.The news was confirmed by his family this Friday on the star's Facebook page.His voice has been classified as one of the most imposing rock and the artist was at the doors of preparing a new album for this 2020.

"We know how much it meant for many and we really appreciate all the love and support in this moment of pain for the loss of such an inspiring artist and such a wonderful man," said Meat Loaf's family in the statement that does not specify the cause of his death.


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Meat Loaf, legendario cantante de rock, fallece a los 74 años

“His daughters Pearl and Amanda and his closest friends were with him during the last 24 hours.From your heart to your souls ... never stop rocking! ”, It is added in the writing.His real name was Marvin Lee Aday and he was born 74 years ago in Dallas, Texas.

The artist, who was also known as Michael, sold 100 million albums worldwide.It also appeared in films like Fight Club, Rocky Horror Picture Show and Wayne ‘s World.

His peculiar nickname was given nickname in two parts of his life.Meat, which means "flesh" in English, came from his father, who when he was born said he described him as as red as the flesh.And Loaf, "Cake", a soccer coach at high school was added.

He became famous with his Bat Out of Hell trilogy, of which he sold millions worldwide. El primero de los discos sigue siendo uno de los 10 álbumes más vendidos de la historia, junto con algunos LP de Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston y The Eagles.He was even adapted as a theater musical.