Maju de Araújo, the model with Down syndrome that has conquered the international gateway

By : ujikiu / On : 31/05/2022

Inclusion in industry

At the age of 19, the Brazilian has become Ambassador of L'Oreal and has marched in three weeks of fashion

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Maju de Araújo, la modelo con síndrome de Down que ha conquistado la pasarela internacional

The fashion industry increasingly seeks to be inclusive as well as to defend the rich and diverse beauty that exists in society. It is through this new fashion course that the Brazilian model Maju de Araújo begins to make its way into international parades conquering physical walkways and social networks.

The name of this 19-year-old model has resonated in the media after announcing itself as the new Ambassador of l'Oreal, in addition to stepping on several international gateways in such outstanding fashion weeks as Milan.

Its rise in industry now allows it to demonstrate a reality observed in most industries. In spite of the fact that 10% of the world's population suffers from some kind of disability, their representation in circuits such as the beauty industry, cinema or fashion is almost nil.

In an interview for El País, Araújo has spoken with his mother and advises on the different obstacles he has faced throughout his three years as a mannequin. The first is the stigma that persists in society and the widespread rejection by model agencies and schools.

"I threatened to sue the model school, which I didn't want to accept my daughter. I was there for the first time," she explains in statements to the same header Adriana, the mother of the young model. After a long struggle and a lot of work, Araújo finished her studies in 2019 and started a much harder battle trying to make way into the world of work.

His contract with mind, an image agency, was the push his career needed to take off. First with small modeling works, which ended up getting bigger and bigger until they reached the doors of l'Oreal. Today Maju is a reference point for people with disabilities who dream of being international models and shows them with their history of overcoming that reaching the walkways is possible.

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