The drought situation persists and threatens the municipalities of the Sierra and the County | - Economic and business information of Huelva

By : ujikiu / On : 31/01/2022

The public company Giahsa has invested in 2021 more than 278,000 euros in tanker trucks with water supplies for the municipalities of the Sierra most affected by the effects of the drought.

As the executive director, Manuel Domínguez Limón, has stated, "the situation, unfortunately, continues to be a fact and a constant threat to our province, especially to some communities in the Sierra.

In this sense, today, it has become necessary to send to Santa Olalla, Mina Concepción, Higuera de la Sierra and Cortelazor a thousand tank trucks with extra supplies of water to reinforce the respective tanks and ensure supply to users" .

Despite the emergency work carried out this past summer in Santa Olalla, with the start-up of a new well, the scarce water reserve in the area's aquifers "does not currently have sufficient capacity to guarantee uninterrupted supply to the population," admits Domínguez, "so it has been necessary to apply water cuts between one and six in the morning and reinforce the supply with four daily tanker trucks.

This action consisted of putting into service a connection with pumping equipment and a generator set that connected the Santa Olalla system with one of the wells carried out, although not technically equipped, by the Andalusian Government in the area, the so-called well 4.

This emergency intervention, which involved an initial investment of more than 30,000 euros, remains a provisional solution that would only be resolved with the definitive incorporation by the General Directorate of Infrastructure of the two boreholes pending equipment since 2008.

Another nucleus of the Sierra that is suffering the effects of the drought with more virulence is Mina Concepción, located in Almonaster la Real, which is requiring the complementary contribution of a cistern every two days.

This drought situation also affects the Corumbel reservoir, which has remained at 20% of its capacity since June last year, for which reason it has had to resort to emergency intake from the Water Ring to guarantee supply. to the municipalities of the County.